Where can I find an Asus EEE Laptop in the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill area?
April 10, 2008 12:09 PM

Where can I find an Asus EEE Laptop in the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill area? (I'd really prefer to try one out before buying online.)
posted by matkline to Shopping (4 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Best Buy is supposed to carry them. May you be blessed with tiny hands and perfect vision.
posted by roue at 1:04 PM on April 10, 2008

(If anyone can tell me where to find them near Framingham, MA, I'd appreciate it. Best Buy doesn't have them in my area.)
posted by lizzicide at 1:36 PM on April 10, 2008

Yeah, Best Buy is starting to carry the ones that are pre-loaded with Windows XP.
posted by pete0r at 1:44 PM on April 10, 2008

This thread just came up on the Trilug mailing list.

Here's a link to the thread.

Short answer, BJ's and Anything PC
posted by jbroome at 2:31 PM on April 10, 2008

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