I want my deadly venom!
March 21, 2008 11:13 AM

Can anyone help me find video of those sprite commercials from the 90s where they had wirework style kung-fu along with rap?

Sprite did a set of commercials a while ago... late 90s early 00s?... called The 7 Deadly Venoms... which was a take on the kung fu movie The 5 Deadly Venoms... and the idea was that the commercial featured a female rapper... rapping... and had awesome kung-fu... i think there were 7 of them...

they also did a similar campaign based on the Voltron cartoon... the ones using Voltron are available on youtube...

...but I have googled high and low and can't find the kung-fu ones ANYWHERE...

can anyone help me find video of these commercials?
posted by robotdog to Media & Arts (1 answer total)
it may be on one of the luerzers archive dvd's (or old vhs tapes) but you'll have to pay to get them. archive is an advertising magazine.
posted by krautland at 11:20 AM on March 21, 2008

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