Down, Google, down!
March 14, 2008 2:49 PM

Help me cope with the GTalk / Gmail chat-popup-madness.

A new message on GTalk brings a little popup in the system tray and the chat window flashes. All good. But if I have gmail open at the same time, a flashing gtalk windows pops up there, too, and the browser tab starts flashing. How do I disable the latter while keeping the former? This must be possible... after all, Google can't be evil, can it?
posted by humuhumu to Computers & Internet (7 answers total)
Gmail view: [turn off chat] should work.
posted by ejaned8 at 2:58 PM on March 14, 2008

It's at the very bottom center, right above the copyright notice. If you have trouble finding it.
posted by ejaned8 at 2:59 PM on March 14, 2008

I haven't tried this myself (being at work, with g-chat blocked) but I imagine you can check at the center bottom of your Gmail page and there will be something that says:

Gmail view: standard | chat | basic HTML

It's pretty small, right above the Google copyright. You can turn off chat in Gmail and still have GTalk active. Hooray?
posted by reebear at 2:59 PM on March 14, 2008

D'oh, what ejaned8 said.
posted by reebear at 3:00 PM on March 14, 2008

Bingo. Thanks all. Excuse me for not thinking to look down there and only examining the 'Chat' options in Settings. Google must think me so dense.

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posted by humuhumu at 3:09 PM on March 14, 2008

Alternately (for next time), you can select "sign out of chat" from the drop-down on the left where you would choose your status message.
posted by puddleglum at 3:30 PM on March 14, 2008

Thank you so much for posting this! (and thank you to the answerers as well, of course)

I have been vexed by this damn thing as well.
posted by marble at 8:26 AM on March 15, 2008

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