Help me use my DJ equipment to play music again
March 13, 2008 12:23 AM

I bought a Behringer BCD 3000 mixer a few months ago. It came with the Limited Edition version of the program Traktor (Traktor LE 3.0). Initially, the Behringer wasn't working with my computer because it doesn't have Vista drivers. I changed the driver compatibility so that it thought I was using Windows XP and it worked fine... until I upgraded to Traktor LE 3.3.1. Now I can't get the mixer to affect Traktor in any way. What do I do?

When I checked the preferences it appeared like the BCD is being recognized, but I an't get it to adjust the volume or tempo, play tracks, or do anything.

(please forgive me if I'm using the wrong terminology for anything...and for using Vista)
posted by elr to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)
I can't speak for Traktor specifically, but as the BCD is basically a midi controller (right?), can you boot up something like MIDI OX (caveat: never used - just found via a google search) and find out whether the computer's receiving the MIDI messages from the BCD?
posted by Magnakai at 10:54 AM on March 13, 2008

Err, to elaborate. If the computer IS receiving the messages okay, then can you manually patch them through to the controls in Tracktor?

Btw, is there somewhere in the Tracktor options where you can select control surfaces or the type of control surface or the way in which it's affected etc etc etc? Might be worth poking around there.
posted by Magnakai at 10:57 AM on March 13, 2008

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