Does the current Klipsch iGroove SXT match up with the iGroove HG?
March 4, 2008 7:58 PM

Does the current Klipsch iGroove SXT match up with the iGroove HG?

I purchased an iGroove SXT on ebay, and was instead sent the iGroove HG. I am a little upset about the mixup, but now I am wondering if there is any difference between the two models other than the size. If they are both essentially identical than I will ask for my money back or an exchange for the correct model, but if the older model has better sound quality than I will consider it a happy accident. My main concern is with the sound quality, and the size and design is a secondary concern. I need to make up my mind in the next day about this, but I won't have an opportunity to try to find an SXT model to try out any time soon.

If you have heard both of them I would really appreciate hearing about the differences. Thanks!
posted by markblasco to Technology (1 answer total)
The folks over at the Hydrogen Audio Hardware Forum might be able to help you out.
posted by sockpup at 9:34 PM on March 4, 2008

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