What is that building with the giant light up numbers?
March 4, 2008 6:36 PM

What is that building on Water Street at John street in downtown NYC (you can see it on street view on googlemaps)? What are those numbers for? Is it a clock or counter or something?
posted by activitystory to Media & Arts (7 answers total)
This it?
posted by Kwantsar at 6:50 PM on March 4, 2008

The link doesn't work. He means this building that says "Nails" on the front of it. Sorry I don't have an answer, but just wanted to correct the link.
posted by ALongDecember at 6:56 PM on March 4, 2008

A few minutes of googling found this.
posted by jferg at 6:57 PM on March 4, 2008

Oh, and it's a clock. (Yeah, what jferg said.)
posted by ALongDecember at 6:58 PM on March 4, 2008

Thanks guys. I wish it still worked.
posted by activitystory at 7:03 PM on March 4, 2008

Rockrose -- which owns the building, even though most of it is rented to NYU for dorms -- is no longer maintaining the clock.

I'm told it used to display not just the time of day, but also the day of the month. You could tell which number was which because they were lit up with different colors (also, you could probably guess that the one changing every second wasn't the date).

Also also, I live in that building. Hi!
posted by booksandlibretti at 9:12 PM on March 4, 2008

by the way, it's an NYU dormitory
posted by boots at 9:13 PM on March 4, 2008

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