a wireless digital photo frame with proper viewing angle?
March 3, 2008 11:40 AM

Digital Photo Frame (DPF) with wireless and wide viewing angle? I had my heart set on a Sungale 15” DPF with wifi, but when I viewed one in-store, the screen was far more sensitive to viewer head position than the norm (both height and sideways angle), which is terrible for a DPF. Is there anything similar which uses a non-sucky screen, and how can I know, given that I can’t view it personally before buying?

Many DPFs have good viewing angle, and most are better than the one I wanted to buy. I would like one with a large screen, (but am reluctant to pay too much for it). Is viewing angle tied inexorably to price?
Sometimes you can find specs on the viewing angle, do these reliably correlate to viewing experience, and what sort of values should I be looking for?

Is DPF wireless usually useful? The Sungale included software to allow it to grab from flickr, for example, which sounds very useful. (If a DPF can only wirelessly grab from folders on machines in the LAN, that's not so useful).
posted by -harlequin- to Technology (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I got a momento imate; it has great wide-angle viewing. the wireless isn't amazing, though - it can pull unlimited from a computer via network, but that means you have to keep a service running chewing up processor/ram; it can pull from picasa/flikr/photobucket etc, but you're limited to 50 pics (and it shows the 50 newest, not configurable; you can set up multiple albums though). it can do sideshow too, but 1-line text only.
posted by lrodman at 4:34 PM on March 20, 2008

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