In search of singing opportunities
March 2, 2008 9:54 AM

BayAreaChoirFilter. In search of Bay Area singing opportunities. I can start with a church choir, but I'm really interested in small group singing, a cappella singing, early music, folk/country music of all kinds.

I'd like to get back into singing. I'm a pretty good choir singer -- I can read music and sing on key, my voice is pretty but also blends in with other voices, I show up on time and follow directions, I can sing alto or soprano. I don't care if there are lots of performances or attention, I just like the singing part.

I'm thinking about joining the UU choir for a year or two to get back into practice (mentally and voice-wise). But I'd like to find opportunities to sing the music I really love (folk music, early music, small group singing). Big barrier -- I don't have the musical background or ability to organize a group myself. In this area, I'm a follower/group member, not a leader.
posted by ClaudiaCenter to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (8 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

A friend at work sings with a choir that meets out by SF State, and she tried to get me hooked up this past fall - my schedule wasn't going to cooperate, so I couldn't do it. She's been singing with them for years and really enjoys it; they do mostly classical choir stuff, if memory serves. They're not small, though.

And of course I can't remember what they're called. Shoot me a mefimail and I'll poke through my work email tomorrow for the info my friend sent me.
posted by rtha at 11:18 AM on March 2, 2008

Thanks for these two suggestions -- good ideas for getting back into singing. I'm still looking for the smaller opportunities, non-classical ... But getting started is step one.
posted by ClaudiaCenter at 1:06 PM on March 2, 2008

The monthly Chantey Sing onboard the Balclutha was last night. Just e-mail them for a free reservation.

The local Sacred Harp group f&w links to is small but active.
posted by obloquy at 1:21 PM on March 2, 2008

You should also try to get to some of the upcoming annual SF Free Folk Festival; all of the local folk singing groups (including the Chantey & Sacred Harp groups) will be offering workshops & singalongs. It's June 21-22 this year at City College.
posted by obloquy at 1:26 PM on March 2, 2008

I'll definitely check out the Sacred Harp group, and I'll go to the folk festival. I've been to the Chantey Sing before, but not in years. Y'all are great!
posted by ClaudiaCenter at 2:59 PM on March 2, 2008

I used to sing with the San Francisco Choral Society about 10 - 15 years ago when they rehearsed at UCSF. They sang mostly classical, big boffo works that would stand up to a huge (~200 voice) chorus.

Perhaps more useful, while trying to find that web page I came across this directory of Bay Area singing groups. Lots here to choose from!

Any interest in starting up a MetaFilter Glee Club? I miss singing! 2nd alto, can pinch-hit as a tenor if necessary.
posted by Quietgal at 8:33 PM on March 2, 2008

what kinda music do you sing?
posted by locoindio at 7:40 PM on March 3, 2008

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