What Proof for Colorado Hybrid Tax Credit?
February 17, 2008 9:46 PM

What proof do I need to claim the Colorado Alternative Fuel Vehicle Credit on my taxes?

I've done my taxes, and have a Prius I'm claiming, but it is totally unclear as to what if any proof they want with my return.

The FYI describing it has two sections. The first is for individuals, and the second is for Government and Charitable organizations. The Gov and Charities section has some forms listed, but they don't seem to match up with individual returns.

Then while searching, I ran across this (about.com, a great source!) that mentions how you must file a paper return in order to attach an invoice to the return. But of course, I don't trust my taxes to about.com.

Does anybody have the publication/law that describes what sort of proof Colorado is looking for?
posted by cschneid to Law & Government (1 answer total)
What makes you think they require more than is described in the document you link to? Why not just do what it says there? If they want more proof, they'll let you know.
posted by winston at 9:55 PM on February 17, 2008

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