Need title of explicit and racy romance novel where rough sex with relative left orphan girl barren
February 16, 2008 9:36 PM

Help me remember title of really explicit and racy romance novel from the 70s or 80s please! The main character was a young orphaned woman who was in love with her rich caretaker who was a male family member who took her virginity so roughly that she required surgery and was left barren.

I just had a flashback to a REALLY racy romance novel I remembered finding as a tween in my deceased mother's nightstand. I remember being totally fascinated/freaked out by it and I just HAVE to know the title of this. It was printed in either the late 70s or the 80s, as she died in early 90s. I would have read this in the 1990s as a tween/teen. It was ABSURDLY explicit and very un-pc. Details I remember:

*I think the main character was a dark-haired teenage girl who was left orphaned or something
*Her guardian who became her lover was a much older male relative with a very large member, who ferociously (and I believe consensually) took her virginity
*They had so much intercourse that first night, and it was so rough, that she had to be surgically repaired and she was rendered barren from his large member
*The relationship between the two, I remember, was extremely unhealthy, and the sex scenes EXPLICIT
*They were very rich I think

Argh, that's it. I know these details are kinda scary and weird, but I'm pretty sure this was a mainstream book. My mom was a voracious reader but would have only gotten her books from a local, small-town bookstore, so it's almost 100% not an alternative book or novel, but a regular, perhaps best-seller. Please help...maybe your hints will jog my memory!
posted by citystalk to Media & Arts (3 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
I think it might be Goodbye, Janette by Harold Robbins.
posted by astruc at 9:39 PM on February 16, 2008

oh, how i love love love metafilter. found it here on amazon, original cover and all, printed in 1981.

i cannot believe stuff like this used to be mainstream! gracias astruc!!!
posted by citystalk at 9:53 PM on February 16, 2008

The reviews on that page are great. I loved the woman who blamed the book for her friends growing up to a life of walking on the wild side...and the 14 YEAR OLD GIRL WHO HAD TO WRITE THE TRUTH IN ALL CAPS!
posted by Infinite Jest at 12:25 AM on February 17, 2008

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