website contributors?
February 15, 2008 11:29 AM

help me drum up some content for my new site,

i had an idea, i started a site, and i got some of my friends to contribute but it's day 2 and i'm running out of content. here's the gist of it:

"MODERN SHAME was created because misery loves company. it is a place for emails better left unsent, texts that should have stayed in the draft box, and other pieces of ourselves that we put out there too quickly because we can."

i know that lots of people have embarrassing emails they might want to contribute - but how to reach them?

posted by sacho to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: please do not use AskMe to promote your site. -- jessamyn

The comments in this thread will be a good start.
posted by poppo at 11:33 AM on February 15, 2008

[pub-landlord]Shame on you![/pub-landlord]

Breathtakingly audacious, or breathtakingly stupid? Let the viewers decide!
posted by veedubya at 11:37 AM on February 15, 2008

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