China Study
January 21, 2008 11:51 AM

Studying Traditional Chinese Medicine in China.

I'm looking into studying TCM in Shanghai and wondered if anyone had recommendations or experiences they'd like to share.

I intend on a long stay there, so anything beyond short 'taster' courses is what i'm looking for. Of course, any info on them is most welcome too.
posted by the cuban to Education (1 answer total)
First off, I apologize in advance for any assumptions I might make about you, since I don't know anything about your location or education or current knowledge of TCM. That said, I'm currently studying TCM in Los Angeles, at Yo San (a far cry from China!) - I too considered studying abroad for the entirety of my education, but decided against it due to language barriers and the possible difficulty of making sure my time there would be applicable to the requirements in CA (where I eventually plan to get my license). The study of TCM is a long-term thing, (here in the States you're required to get a Masters Degree, about 4-5 years depending on the school). I suppose if you speak Mandarin, are okay living in China for about five years- go for it! If not, most schools (again, in the States) offer externship programs from a month or two to a year, depending.

This is the kind of medicine that is best practiced with an understanding of it's roots, the culture and mindset that it sprang from. I think learning in China would give you a very good foundation, if you're up for the challenge. (And it's a challenge!!)

One of my instructors spent a month in Chengdu (Sichuan province) in October, and kept a nice blog about her experience.

Hope this helps!
posted by starfyr at 12:21 PM on January 21, 2008

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