Countdown Clocks
June 21, 2004 8:31 PM

Looking for a nice looking desk clock to countdown to specific dates/times. [more inside]

Key features: 1) Has capability to show days/hours/minutes (seconds would be nice but not essential) until preset time. 2) Must be capable of counting down for several months at least. 3) Must be reusable. 4) Must not be a countdown to Marriage, Retirement, Shore Leave, Baby's Birth, Opening Day, or any other specific event. 5) Must look significantly less cheezy than any of the aforementioned examples.

Ideally, I'd like something that just looks like a normal, nice, digital desk or wall clock.
posted by rorycberger to Shopping (2 answers total)
For what it's worth, I have one of those clocks made by that company. (It counted down to the year 2000)

They're fully customizable, and the "faceplates" are removable. All you have left a a black plastic clock. You could make a face plate for it if you want to I guess. It's not exactly what you want though.
posted by ALongDecember at 8:48 AM on June 22, 2004

Oh, I'm referring to these clocks. They make a blank "make your own faceplate" model.
posted by ALongDecember at 8:50 AM on June 22, 2004

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