Damn you Boston sports
January 8, 2008 2:20 PM

Dallas expat spots in Boston: Where can I watch Dallas Mavericks games in the Boston area?

Just moved to Boston from Dallas and I miss basketball. Is it hopeless to search for non-local sports in this town? Bar, club, restaurant, your uncle's house, I don't care.
How can I see Mavs games without springing for cable?
posted by doppleradar to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (7 answers total)
There's always Good Time Emporium.
posted by ootsocsid at 3:05 PM on January 8, 2008

Champions is a sports bar in a hotel, so they cater to out-of-town teams.

The Stadium in South Boston and Game On in Kenmore are both pretty large sports bars that will show several games, even if a Boston team is playing. You should probably call ahead and ask if they're planning to show the Mavs, just in case. The Stadium is less crowded and therefore more willing to change the channel for individual patrons.

Good luck! I have tickets to the Celts vs. Mavs game this spring, but I'll be rooting for the home team.
posted by emd3737 at 3:19 PM on January 8, 2008

I have tickets for the Mavs vs Celtics game on Jan 31st. Hope that's not the only time this season I get to see the boys play
posted by doppleradar at 3:25 PM on January 8, 2008

I know your pain - moved from College Station to CT but now back in TX.
I would recommend looking into Sirius but this thread might also be some help.

Best way to watch regional sports out-of-region?
posted by doorsfan at 6:26 AM on January 9, 2008

While I haven't been there to see a basketball game specifically (only football and baseball), I can tell you that the Sports Depot in Allston has a HUGE amount of televisions. The majority are tuned to the local teams of course, but this seems to be a place where transplants catch their favorite teams as well. Twice I accompanied a friend from San Diego so he could watch his Chargers. He was able to do so, and there were plenty of other non-local games going on at the same time, with lots of fans of those teams in attendance (along with plenty of our loudmouth locals.)

It's big, and can get very loud (particularly when they have a radio station promotion) so be prepared to not be able to hear the commentary that goes along with the game. I'd also call ahead to make sure they'll be showing the Mavs, but if so, you can enjoy the game along with a decent food and beer selection. Good Luck!
posted by Rewind at 6:38 AM on January 9, 2008

As a displaced Spurs fan, I can't believe I'm going to try to help a Mavs fan out (but, having no cable myself, I feel your pain too much to ignore it). Try calling the sports bars/hotel bars first and asking whether they have the NBA League Pass. I haven't had luck with that in Chapel Hill--not much of an NBA town, for obvious reasons--but I'm sure you would in Boston, and that means they'll get every game. Also, sometimes places that have digital cable, but don't have the League Pass, will at least be able to get the NBA TV games.

Internet options: if you know anyone who has the League Pass, they're also able to watch games online, and maybe they'd let you use that part of it. And you can get game audio for free if you register with nba.com, which is pretty sweet. I still can't believe the NBA doesn't offer a way for people to watch games online without buying the damned League Pass, which in turn requires buying digital cable. But that appears to be the case.

Go Spurs go!
posted by paleography at 12:26 PM on January 9, 2008

I'll start following up on everyone's suggestions (except the one from the Spurs fan. Gotta be some kind of Ginobli inspired trick). I'll keep checking back too, so more tips are welcome.
posted by doppleradar at 7:43 PM on January 9, 2008

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