Where can I find a weightlifting trainer in San Francisco to perfect my form? Not a total novice.
January 3, 2008 1:44 PM

I'm looking for a trainer in the San Francisco area to coach me for a few sessions on my form for a few basic, old school exercises like the squat, bench press, clean, deadlift, row, and military press.

I'm not new to weightlifting or these lifts, but I would like to find someone to help me perfect my form on these exercises.

I'm looking for a powerlifter/strength coach that knows these exercises well, not someone who primarily trains people who are new to exercise or "looking to get into shape". I don't mind paying a bit of a premium if they are good, but I don't need them to help me get to a competitive level or anything - I just want my form to be perfect to avoid injury.

posted by I like to eat meat to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (1 answer total)
I have three ideas:

Call over to the local musclehead gym.
See if there's a powerlifting club at the local college, highschool.

Last, check out some of the online powerlifting forums
posted by filmgeek at 8:47 PM on February 3, 2008

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