What was this fantasy series?
June 14, 2004 7:29 PM

Fantasy afficionados: I read a series of four fantasy books when I was in high school, and I only have a basic memory of what they were about. Help? (mi)

The books were about a teenage boy who has a variety of adventures with lesser Gods and Goddesses, mostly Gaelic/Celitic semideities (the Sidhe), but the last book involved him getting in contact with native american spirits, after taking some kind of traditional herbal sauna with his wacky grandfather.

In the beginning of the first book he saw a four leaf clover, and when he bent down to pick it up, he glanced back between his legs and saw a funeral procession passing by. According to some sort of lore, that's the only way a mortal can see the riders of the Sidhe (that's not the title) and after that, he began seeing all sorts of mythological beings. One scary scene had a banshee outside of his door.

I've been searching for this for years, and it just occurred to me to try here.
posted by precocious to Media & Arts (5 answers total)
You say you read them in highschool? 'bout how long ago was that? a time frame will help the googling.

Also, try checking through this list.
posted by GeekAnimator at 8:49 PM on June 14, 2004

Windmaster's Bane by Tom Deitz?
posted by Nothing at 11:46 PM on June 14, 2004

Holy moly, that's it, Nothing. o_o

I. Love. This community.
posted by precocious at 3:38 AM on June 15, 2004

Nothing beat me to it. Tom Deitz is a member of the local SCA group here in Athens GA. Next time I see him I'll let him know Windmaster still has a fan.
posted by jfuller at 4:58 AM on June 15, 2004

I went to an event in Athens (just outside of, I think) when I was still with a southern Barony. Crazy that I might've run into him (or you, apparently.)

At risk of being a fangirl, do tell him that they vied for "favorite books" status in high school, and possibly will again now that I know the titles and can snag 'em.
posted by precocious at 3:44 PM on June 15, 2004

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