Save Me From Myself
December 17, 2007 5:10 PM

I made the mistake of trying to futz with my display settings in WindowsXP to make things easier on my old eyes, and now every web page is white and the text is all mashed up.

What is the "default setting" for the XP display so I can undo whatever I did?

Apologies if this has been asked before0 I tried all kinds of seraches on AskMe and on the web.
posted by foxy_hedgehog to Technology (4 answers total)
Here ya go.
posted by iamabot at 5:42 PM on December 17, 2007

Thanks, iamabot, but I wend through the steps to get to the "restore settings" button in the destop dialog box within the display control panel, and it didn't do a thing. Tried restarting programs, restarting computer. Nothing.

Is there something else that I could have done wrong? The problem is with both Firefox and Explorer, btw.

Thanks again.
posted by foxy_hedgehog at 5:57 PM on December 17, 2007

Could this be the problem?
posted by bwanabetty at 6:03 PM on December 17, 2007

Thanks, bwanabetty- that did it!
posted by foxy_hedgehog at 6:12 PM on December 17, 2007

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