Do I have to work 7 days, or 8?
November 24, 2007 3:48 AM

I handed my notice in at work yesterday (1 weeks notice). But I'm confused as to when my contract actually expires. I'm in the UK.

I already have another job lined up, and they want me to start ASAP so I handed my notice in to my manager on Friday 23rd. The notice period itself is a week long, so when is my last actual day of work?

I'm thinking that 1 week is from Friday, the 23rd, to the following Thursday, the 29th - 7 days. However, I can see my current employer being nasty and demanding that I work until the following Friday (the 30th), because it's only 6 days mathematically - 29-23=6.

So, I guess my question is, is my notice period valid from the day I hand the notice in, or the day after? Do I have to work on Friday 30th, or can I finish on Thursday 29th?

Pointing me in the direction of the law that states [this is the case] would be great, so I have a piece of paper to wave in his face to back up my argument. I would just not turn up on the 30th, even if I was supposed to work it, but I'd rather not be a d*ck.
posted by Solomon to Law & Government (7 answers total)
Here, (a UK government website) it says: The notice period runs from the start of the day after the day on which notice was given.
posted by game warden to the events rhino at 3:53 AM on November 24, 2007

There are three different legal environments in the UK. I assume you are in England and Wales?

What does your contract period say about the notice period?

The best thing to do would be to come to an agreement with the employer. I don't think it's worth burning bridges over just one day of work. I don't suppose you have any holiday saved up?
posted by grouse at 3:53 AM on November 24, 2007

game warden has it - your notice period begins on Monday so you will not be available to your new employer until Monday December 3rd... (Well, Saturday Dec 1st actually, if you work weekends.)
posted by benzo8 at 3:57 AM on November 24, 2007

Are you owed any holiday?
posted by Idcoytco at 5:17 AM on November 24, 2007

IMO, yeah, it does feel a little d!ckish to try to wheedle them out of a single extra day. Just take the high road, work Friday, and leave them thinking you're a conscientious, stand-up guy.
posted by AngerBoy at 6:14 AM on November 24, 2007

Unless it's fast food, a "stand up guy" wouldn't vacate with a 1 week notice, of course I'm in the states. If one of my employees did that to me, I'd be inclined to tell them that indeed your employment was terminated effective that minute. You talk about a contract though, so I dunno.

IMO it would be 40 hours (or whatever your work week) from the day you handed in your letter.
posted by TomMelee at 4:10 PM on November 24, 2007

Talk to your current boss and work it out. That way you'll leave on good terms. And if you're worth it, you new employers shouldn't mind waiting a day or so, as it shows you have a good professional attitude.
posted by baggers at 4:28 PM on November 24, 2007

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