Where can I find some more great Johnny Gimble Recordings?
November 21, 2007 8:29 AM

What are some more great Johnny Gimble recordings?

I've been listening to Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Willie Nelson since I was a little kid. It has some of the greatest fiddle playing of any kind I've ever heard (and I've heard quitea bit). I'm looking for some more Johnny Gimble recordings that are as good as that.

I found some stuff on his website that I didn't like nearly as much. More fiddle centric stuff. I was hoping for more stuff where he is with a band, accompanying a singer. I'm not opposed to getting some more Bob Wills stuff to hear his early days but I'm looking for more modern recordings if possible.

I'd also take recomendations for other great fiddle players in that style. I've heard Stuart Duncan is great but haven't heard all that much of him.
posted by sully75 to Media & Arts (1 answer total)
If you go the Bob Wills direction, check out "For The Last Time". Great album (and heartbreaking). It's semi-modern, from the early 70s.

I don't know much Johnny Gimble beyond Wills and Haggard albums but hope more will chime in.
posted by quarterframer at 8:51 PM on November 21, 2007

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