Help me find a sketch by Anais Nin.
October 5, 2007 8:05 PM

I'm looking for an online copy of a sketch that was in the first volume of Anais Nin's diary. It is a B&W sketch of an anchor with birds in it. Thanks for any help.
posted by HSWilson to Media & Arts (6 answers total)
Not very much to go on -- maybe you should just get a copy of the book and scan the sketch?
posted by JanetLand at 6:36 AM on October 6, 2007

I have this book. The sketch is on p. 69 in this edition -- the caption reads only "'Linotte' (linnet) in the original. One of A.N.'s nicknames for herself. Later her favorite was 'Mandra,' Catalan for 'lazy bones.'"

The text on the two birds reads "Anais" and "mon amie," respectively, with "mon journal" on the anchor and "force" in the upper right-hand corner. I didn't have any luck searching Google Images with various combinations of those terms. If it's helpful, I am glad to take a photo of the page and email it to you.
posted by Siobhan at 9:14 AM on October 6, 2007

On a second glance, I think that the second bird reads "mon ame," not "mon amie."
posted by Siobhan at 9:15 AM on October 6, 2007

Siobhan - If you could do that it would be great. Thanks for your help.
posted by HSWilson at 5:52 PM on October 6, 2007

Thank you Siobhan, you are great. I owe you one.
posted by HSWilson at 5:36 PM on October 7, 2007

Not a problem - you're welcome.
posted by Siobhan at 4:37 PM on October 8, 2007

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