Please help me learn a few simple techniques in Blender.
October 4, 2007 1:19 PM

Please help me learn a few simple techniques in Blender. Including outputting an animation to video.

I'm working on a website and wanted to put a little bit of water animation into it. I found a great tutorial online ( ). The problem is I'm not very experienced with blender. I'd like to change a few things from what the author has made to fit my needs more closely.

-What I would like to do is change the "color" of the water. I guess this would mean changing the environments color.
-I would also like to change the angle of the camera.
-I would like to output this into some sort of video file that I would ultimately put into flash.
I know these are probably answers I should be able to solve on my own but I have a deadline for the website I am creating and I don't seem to be learning fast enough on my own.
Also, the website is a commercial website. Would there be any copyright issues involved with using the authors 3d water technique?

Also, I've been interested in 3d modeling for a while but haven't dedicated enough time to learning it. I tried learning maya last year for about a month and really liked it. I stopped after I got too busy with work though.... After I am finished with this animation I'd like to spend more time learning again. In your opinion which program should I focus on? I really liked how maya worked and understood it much more quickly than blender. blender seems really promising and is free.... the maya version was the learning version i was using. if i invest the time into one of the two which do you recommend.
posted by austinlee to Computers & Internet (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
1) Change the material colour of the plane.
2) Go into non-shaded mode and side view, move the view around until you find the camera, select and use G to grab/start moving it with the mouse.
3) Look at the render tab.

If you decide to go with Blender (I agree it can be really hard), start with this (the image for those diretions seems to have moved but a copy is here). I'm not sure if "proper poly flow" is actually intuitive for anyone, but I know it definitely isn't for me, and as you can see by comparing other lizards here it makes an enormous difference.
posted by anaelith at 3:13 PM on October 4, 2007

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