How can I quickly identify a lot of company blogs?
September 14, 2007 2:41 PM

When I try to search for keywords that I think a company blog might use, the hits tend to be posts that are about the keywords, but are not necessarily corporate in nature. Then I have to slog through tons of false positives to find the occasional useful link. Is there a smarter, faster way to find a bunch of company blogs?

From a friend:

I am designing a website for a small company that primarily sells physical stuff, but also has a blog. I can think of a few ways to structure it, but I'd like to see how other companies (large and small) have done it.

However, finding examples of corporate sites that serve multiple purposes, including a blog, has proven surprisingly difficult. When I try to search for keywords that I think a company blog might use, the hits tend to be posts that are about the keywords, but are not necessarily corporate in nature. Then I have to slog through tons of false positives to find the occasional useful link.

Is there a smarter, faster way to find a bunch of company blogs?
posted by kiwitobes to Computers & Internet (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Hmm. If you know the company name, and filetype:xml or filetype:rss

might throw up some indexed RSS feeds. Poking around Technorati might help, too.
posted by Leon at 3:45 PM on September 14, 2007

Not a solution to your search question, but he might find this link useful (it's a wiki compiling links to Fortune 500 corporate blogs).
posted by bifter at 2:00 AM on September 16, 2007

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