Who played the outraged author in "The King of Comedy" and was he really an author or scammer like Rupert?
August 28, 2007 7:41 PM

Who played the outraged author in "The King of Comedy" and was he really an author or was he a scammer like Rupert?

I just saw this movie and I swear the author who demanded to be on the show looks like a younger and thinner Wayne Knight. Is that him in an uncredited role? I assume he was just trying to get on the show like Rupert, but wouldnt mind some other opinions about this.
posted by damn dirty ape to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (3 answers total)
I've watched that movie a dozen times, and I can't say I thought the author was recognizable to me. Here is the IMDB cast listing, but I don't see that character.
posted by The Deej at 8:08 PM on August 28, 2007

not sure who the actor is but as i recall, he seemed to be a legit guest on Jerry Langfords show who (because he couldnt id himself properly or something -i forget ..) gets pulled aside by the police because they think ~he's~ "the king".
i don't think he's a scammer at all. (also, he mentions something about his book (about chinese snow leopard or something...) and the cops start thinking "communist plot" or somesuch..(sorry, some of the details are foggy about this)

i LOVE this film so much. LOVE IT.
posted by The_Auditor at 8:21 PM on August 28, 2007

IMDB discussion.
posted by tellurian at 9:15 PM on August 28, 2007

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