OS X software for Garmin Forerunner?
August 26, 2007 2:09 AM

Is there any good, preferably free, OS X software for the Garmin Forerunner?

The Garmin Training Centre is too limited, so I'm looking for something better.
posted by jedro to Computers & Internet (3 answers total) 6 users marked this as a favorite
use motionbased.com. Nothing else comes close. The free subscription is good enough.

They have a Safari plugin which connects to your Garmin to upload data.
posted by neilkod at 8:33 AM on August 26, 2007

Actually, I lied. Ascent is quite nice but its not enough to get this cyclist to switch from motionbased.com.
posted by neilkod at 8:41 AM on August 26, 2007

Depends what you want to do :) . I ditched motion based (it's too slooooow) for Trailrunner. From their blurb "TrailRunner is a route planning software for all kinds of long distance sports like running, biking, hiking, inline-skating, skiing and more. If you ever asked yourself how long your workout routes are and what route you should choose for this evening — then TrailRunner should be your training-partner. TrailRunner can calculate a route for your desired distance and export directions" Not free, but inexpensive and the developer will often respond to issues the same day. You'll want LoadMyTracks too.

It's great for planning runs and bike routes in unfamiliar areas - you can plot runs on a hires, georeferenced google earth image of your area, load it to the forerunner, and go. I use it for runs here in Baku, Azerbaijan, and it is good enough to give you turn directions at street corners! When you get back, load in what you did (not everything that appears from space to be connected actually is), connect it up to your run network, and that becomes available for mixing new runs.

Then in the unlikely event that you want to run Baku, I could send you my network file.
posted by falcon at 11:31 PM on September 23, 2007

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