Job search while employed
June 20, 2007 11:49 AM   Subscribe

Please share your tips for doing the job search and interview thing while you are employed full time. Best ideas to be stealthy, get days off for interviews, write a good letter of resignation when time comes, get a good recommendation from your boss etc.
posted by spacefire to Work & Money (5 answers total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: this exact question has been asked several times before.

Resignation letter and style is important. I always cover myself there, and have been rehired/contracted by the same manager or company 3 times in my career. I usually praise the company and management for treating me more than fair in my letter.
posted by thilmony at 12:53 PM on June 20, 2007

My advice regarding the resignation letter is to include the date you are submitting it, the last date of employment, your signature, your contact information.

It does not need to be fancy. It just serves as documented proof that you are acknowledging when you should be removed from payroll.

If you want you can include something like this:

I have appreciated being part of Acme Company and I wish you continued success. Please advise if I can be of assistance during the transition.

Also if it is common practice to give two weeks of notice then do that. Don't give more than the customary amount of notice. You go from "gee, we'll really miss you" to "what a traitor" the first day of week 3.
posted by Soda-Da at 12:56 PM on June 20, 2007

During the last six weeks I have been on both sides of this little conundrum. The company interviewing you is doing it because they seek a benefit and all but the silliest (there's an indicator right there) will collude with you to sidestep problems from your existing employer - they'll interview at lunch time, or after work, or (fill in the blank). You can probably take time off if you need to for a variety of good reasons, so be a little creative.

As for resignation letters and termination interviews, the key words are compliance and bland. In the compliance category make specific note of where all the work you'd done is, who knows your passwords (make sure you give an envelope to your manager with all your passwords in it. Sign across the flap in ink.) and who is primed to take care of things you are doing.

In the bland category you say you have enjoyed the association with Company X but you've got too good a challenge at Company Y to pass up. You make no negative comments and no facetious ones; you don't bitch about things and you don't try to teach the company you're leaving any lessons. It's just like excusing oneself from a table. Say "excuse me" and leave.

In California, the only job market with which I'm familiar, you may be asked to acknowledge you won't poach your co-workers and you may hear threatening noises about not doing it -or else-; ignore this stuff. Don't tell Company X what Company Y offered you in salary, benefits, hookers, or blow. In other words, they could have learned what they say they wanted to know before, but they didn't; make it too late now.
posted by jet_silver at 1:09 PM on June 20, 2007

Please, do a search- these questions have been asked over and over and over here.

Here is a good place to start.
posted by mkultra at 1:20 PM on June 20, 2007

if you can't be upfront with your supervisor that you're interviewing for other jobs, i think suddenly needing lots of dental work is going to be your best friend, in terms of getting time off. it happens to everyone, it doesn't make anyone worry about your health (like constant doctor's appointments would), and chances are, nobody's going to ask for details.

i wouldn't lie in the beginning, though. just say you have an appointment or a meeting and will be gone for an hour. if pressed for details, then toss out the dental stuff.
posted by thinkingwoman at 1:31 PM on June 20, 2007

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