Auf Deutsch, bitte!
May 20, 2007 9:37 AM

Can anyone help me get a copy of DragonDictate in German or French, or point me towards a discrete speech voice recognition program in either language that's currently on the market?

I would like to brush up on my German and learn French, primarily by taking courses in each and corresponding with relatives, etc. I use DragonDictate voice recognition software (yes, the obselete old version) to do all my typing due to disabilities, and am balking at the thought of training/spelling out each foreign word complete with accents.

Since the nature of my disabilities makes it difficult to impossible to use continuous speech voice recognition programs, I can't use the German and French versions of NaturallySpeaking. (Please don't tell me anyone can use continuous speech voice recognition, I have tried it several times.) I'm willing to try other brands, but I need a program that uses discrete speech like DragonDictate. Would be nice if it ran completely hands-free as well, but since it won't be my primary interface I can deal with the hassle of a non-hands free system for a while. Must run on Windows XP Pro.

I've tried Google, eBay's Want to Buy, and had an eBay alert set for over a year now with no results. Any leads would be appreciated.
posted by Soliloquy to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
I am sorry that I can't help you find an old DragonDictate version, but let me point out that there are a few difficulties involved in running multiple languages for speech recognition on one system. The modern versions of DragonDictate seems to allow you to install more than one language which hopefully the older ones allow you to do,too. But if you run across Voice Pro a.k.a Via Voice, run away.

Setting up English and German on the same computer involved a difficult installation and writing a batch file to switch languages, where the user interface for English never worked properly. At least it was this way with the German version of Via Voice 10 (Voice Pro 10) and English as an additional language module.

I never tried whether DragonDictate and Via Voice could be installed on the same machine, but doubt it since in my opinion the Via Voice installer is a weird mess that pokes around way to deeply in windows' innards.
posted by mmkhd at 3:48 PM on May 20, 2007

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