Help me find alien masks and ST badges?
April 17, 2007 2:52 AM

Please help me find places online to buy el cheapo alien masks and star trek communications badges?

My mother-in-law is looking for @40 of both for some scout related thing or other, and they can be really crappily made, just as long as they're cheap. The alien masks can even be like those plastic with the elastic string dealies. I'm not having any luck with google so far. Thanks!
posted by supercrayon to Shopping (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I made my own communicator for my Deanna Troi costume a few years ago. I drew it on cardboard, cut it out, taped a safety pin on the back, and painted it with silver and metallic blue nail polish. It looked really good, a couple of people asked where I bought it. 40 of these could be knocked out in an hour or two with an assembly line of 2-3 people. A can or two of metallic spray paint would be enough for all of them, much less tedious than nail polish. You could even use two layers of card for the separate parts and use foam double-sided tape to attach the two layers to give it a more realistic 3-D appearance.
You could make the alien masks pretty easily, as well. The big-eyed Roswell aliens are pretty flat and easy to draw. Use posterboard, either buy the green kind or paint it, draw them, cut them out, and attach elastic to go around the back of the head. You could even get crazy and buy some black fiberglass screen to tape inside over the eyeholes so the kids could see out safely while still having big scary black eyes.
posted by Wroksie at 5:19 AM on April 17, 2007

I've made masks with kids and it's really fun.
posted by theora55 at 8:02 AM on April 17, 2007

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