Does Korea even have hawks?
March 15, 2007 6:35 AM

Korean Artwork - are there any good online or print repositories of animal artwork from Korea?

I've been thinking about what my next ink should be, and was looking for something unique (I don't really believe in Flash art). Since I am half korean, and have been feeling my lack of connection to that half (born here, can't read the Language, etc...) I thought that something in the style might be interesting.
The problem is that I'm really looking for birds of prey... hawks especially, and google is no help - I get a lot of "War-Hawk" stories :-S

I'd be willing to look at books or online if anyone has any help.

posted by niteHawk to Science & Nature (5 answers total)
I can't answer the korean artwork question, but Korea definitely has hawks.
posted by mcstayinskool at 6:43 AM on March 15, 2007

According to this site they have a couple of white tailed eagles.
posted by zeoslap at 6:53 AM on March 15, 2007

(amongst others)
posted by zeoslap at 6:53 AM on March 15, 2007

Or the rough legged hawk found on these Korean postage stamps
posted by zeoslap at 6:55 AM on March 15, 2007

Probably you'll have more luck with tigers than hawks. They figure prominently in a fair number of folk stories.
posted by realpseudonym at 1:32 AM on March 16, 2007

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