Nuvaring & no inserter = vag pain.
March 9, 2007 3:49 AM   Subscribe

Hailing all MacGyvers - help me insert my Nuvaring!

I have been using Nuvaring birth control for a couple of years now and love it except for one major problem: the shape of the ring (O) combined with the lack of applicator often make it difficult to insert it into my vagina deep enough that it stays put. I squeeze it so that it's narrower, but my fingers are apparently too short for my vagina, so it starts to open up into the "O" shape before it gets deep enough into the vagina. Even when I think I've put it in deep enough, but as soon as I move around (e.g. running for the bus yesterday), it slips lower into the vagina, near the vulva. In that location it's irritating (annoying & causing pain and redness in my vagina & even vulva). I need to get it beyond the canal zone and into the folds zone, if that makes sense.

Soooooo... I'm looking for MacGyver solutions to resolve the lack of applicator problem. (Yes, I've tried lots of positions for ease of insert, and I've used lube to help put it in easily. And a penis works well to push it into place, but sometimes it pulls it out of place instead, so that's not the reliable solution I'm looking for.) I've thought of something that I could use to tie it so it stays in a straight line instead of the "O" shape, and later unfurls. I've thought of something like a tampon applicator that could help me get it higher up into the vagina before it opens. But I really don't know what do to. It is quite painful these days.

I hope I haven't massacred the terminology here.
posted by anonymous to Health & Fitness (10 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

I've heard lots of other people say that using a tampon applicator worked for them, so I'd give that a try.

When I used the Nuvaring, it opened a bit early, too. I'd just let it do that, then push at it until I got it where I wanted it. Sometimes twisting it a bit before I inserted it seemed to keep it from opening up quite as soon. If I could get it angled & hooked over the edge of the pubic bone (rather than just pushing it straight up as far as it would go), it would stay in place. Here's an explanation that seems to be similar to what I did.

Slipping is a very common problem, though. For some women, the Nuvaring just never seems to stay in place.
posted by belladonna at 5:10 AM on March 9, 2007

I would guess from the question that you'd have a line of MavGyvers lining up to help insert it, and I'd also think that this is probably the best way - if your fingers are too short, enlist the aid of a partner.

Back when you get a sponge, I used to help with that - not quite the same thing, but not that far off.

Other than that, second belladonna for using a tampon applicator. Here's a picture.
posted by plinth at 5:31 AM on March 9, 2007

I don't wear mine very high, I guess my fingers are short as well, but I have no irritation.

I wonder if you are allergic to either the latex or hormones or both.

Try this, go into a deep squat. Push it in as far as it goes, and then keep applying pressure while you stand up. It seems that in a deep squat the "fold zone" will be closer to you and perhaps you can get it to stick.
posted by stormygrey at 5:49 AM on March 9, 2007

I didn't like the tampon applicator idea myself. It bent the ring into a more oval shape, and for whatever reason, it never went back to the way it was supposed to, and would keep slipping out no matter what I did.

It's still a pain in the butt, three or so applications later. You kind of have to stick a finger way up there to make sure the one end kind of gets tucked behind the ridge that's about an inch in. It might take a bit of experimenting to find a way that's easy and comfortable for you.
posted by Verdandi at 7:05 AM on March 9, 2007

A lot of people on the Nuva Ring livejournal community are fond of making it into a figure eight and then folding that in half (so you end up with a smaller circle that sproings itself open once it gets up in your business). They think it's easier to put in. I've never had any trouble, but I was blessed with freakishly long fingers.

It sounds like you're trying to keep it squeezed between two fingers while you're inserting. I'm not sure if that's what you mean, but if that is the case - once it ends up in its circular shape you can just push it up with one finger. At least as far as my anatomy goes, you only really need it to be about an inch above your opening (although obviously the further up it is, the less likely slippage is). I can't imagine you don't have two inches of finger to work with.

Ultimately I don't think there's any way to make it stay up high all the time. If you move your muscles in just the right (wrong?) way, it's going to peek out and say hello, and you're going to have to poke it back up.
posted by crinklebat at 9:20 AM on March 9, 2007

Seconding, thirding whatevering the tampon applicator.
posted by Kellydamnit at 9:40 AM on March 9, 2007

If you wanted to make a tampon applicator type thing specifically for this purpose a length of pyrex tubing with an OD as large as comfortable and a pyrex rod sized to be a bit sloppy inside the tube could be made any length you'd like. I'm guessing the tube should be 4-8" YMMV long and the rod about 4" longer than the tube. The ends can be smoothed over with an acetylene torch to minimize the chance of injury and stop the ring from being damaged. The glass would be dishwasher safe.

Pyrex glass like this is available in lab supply shops and also in some art stores (it's used for making ornaments).

A solid shaft with a short step down at the end would be very effective but the Nuvaring is 54mm (over two inches) in diameter so that isn't going to work.
posted by Mitheral at 9:48 AM on March 9, 2007

You can also try checking out the Bust magazine forums; they often have questions about the mechanics of various insertables, and lots of good answers.
posted by LobsterMitten at 10:08 AM on March 9, 2007

Don't worry about keeping it folded until it is in place, just keep it folded until it's past where it actively hurts to have it unfolded (in fact, I didn't really fold it at all, just pinched enough to get it started and then pushed a little--didn't hurt, the muscles in that area held it closed). You can make a tight circle with your fingers and push it through for an example of the shape it makes.

Then once it's past the outside sensitive bits, just push on the bottom with your fingers until it slides up, you're not actually holding it at this point, just pressing with your finger tips. I don't think it's possible to push too far/hard without noticing so just keep pushing until it doesn't go any further. Also seconding that pushing (like you're pooping) makes it easier for short fingers (you might want to actually use the restroom before you start, though, just for comfort).

And nthing that you'll reach a point where it hooks over something and is held in, no slippage after that point.
posted by anaelith at 10:39 AM on March 9, 2007

could you slip it in manually til it opens, then use a lubed dildo to pop it up against your cervix? (even if it doesn't work, it might be fun...)
posted by twistofrhyme at 10:47 AM on March 9, 2007

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