Who is the best lasik doctor in North Texas?
March 4, 2007 11:18 AM

Who is the best lasik doctor in North Texas?

I want to have intra-lase lasik, using quality of at least the Visx 4 IR, or the Zeiss laser. I am looking for the best doctor in all of north texas, price is not a concern. And I am not interested in doctors which advertise on the radio, nor am I interested in those that have done the most procedures. I want the ones who don't make mistakes and have lots of experience. Have you had lasik and done your due dilligence? Is there any place I can find comparisons of doctors?
posted by torpark to Health & Fitness (5 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Is there any place I can find comparisons of doctors?
Online? You could start here. Of equal importance is finding out who's a bad doctor, and avoiding them. The FDA regulates lasik and takes complaints against doctors who perform the operation. Local medical boards and BBBs can also help guide you.
posted by boo_radley at 11:57 AM on March 4, 2007

In my personal opinion, I would not, under any circumstances, go to Dr. Booth, Tylock, or Whitman. Those are the big three who advertise constantly and run a machine.

Through my job, I have a unique perspective on this issue.

My wife wants it done, and if I can't talk her out of it, then I won't let her get it done anywhere in DFW except here and, I will try to make sure Dr. Cavanagh does it. Otherwise, she won't be getting it done. I won't let her.
posted by dios at 12:45 PM on March 4, 2007

Dios, I know some wonderful reasons not to get it done, but why would you suggest for her to not get it done? I am at nearly -5 diopters, and have been watching these technologies since PRK, waiting for them to get good enough. I considered IOLs, but the only two people i know who got them can no longer see outside without wearing dark sunglasses, as sunlight is now painful for them.
posted by torpark at 2:20 PM on March 4, 2007

torpark, I don't mean to talk you out of it. There are certainly great benefits in the procedures. In fact, I would recommend it if you have serious vision problems. It really can revolutionize your life.

But, as I am sure you are aware, there are known risks to the surgery. So the question is what level of risk are will to assume. I've been blessed with good vision, but if my genes are any indication, I'll suffer severe vision loss around 40. But right now, I have no need for it one way or another. My wife has poor vision, but not horrible. For her, I think it would really be closer to a cosmetic surgery. And I'm a really risk adverse person. If there is a 5% chance that some bad condition will occur or be worse, I wouldn't choose it unless it was really important.

This is similar to lap-band/gastric bypass surgeries. They can be useful and life-saving to many people, but I would not recommend them to people are quick fixes/body sculpting. The risk should be balanced in the risks of not having the surgery.

You appear to be well versed on the topic, so please don't let me talk you out of it. You can control that risk by going to good doctors (such as I who I recommended seeing/avoiding). But even at the very best, there is some quantum of risk. The doctors will explain it further (and that's why I recommend not going to the "mills" at Booth, Whitman, Tylock etc... they can be successful, but realize that they are trying to talk you into it whereas the people at UTSW aren't trying to make a profit and will only do it if they think you would benefit [which also adds to the reason that they have better success rates, imo]).

If you are willing to accept some level of risk (2%? 3%? 6%?), then you can certainly benefit from it. It's really amazing what they are doing these days.
posted by dios at 2:51 PM on March 4, 2007

I had mine done at Boothe Eye Care.

If I understand correctly, he has done the most of these surgeries in the entire US (80k I think)

It's a factory/assembly line, but as far as quality, he was great for me and my wife.

Caveat - My parents know him personally, so we got a level of personal attention that most do not.

But regardless of that, he's very good. I was -11 and am now perfect (1 touchup), my wife was -1 or 2, and she was perfect immediately afterwards.

In Austin, I did followups with a wonderful doctor, but I don't recall the name. I liked her setup because it was a calm, quiet and pleasant office, foucsing on customer experience more than boothe does. No idea about the surgery quality, but if that's a factor, look at a boutique doctor.
posted by Lord_Pall at 5:29 AM on March 5, 2007

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