What is this strange thing I found on the beach?
March 3, 2007 10:26 PM

What in the world is this? I found a lot of them on a beach in Vietnam, and I've seen them in Thailand too.

They look and feel a lot like cartilage and are about 1cm thick. When you crack them open they're solid, there's nothing of note inside. There aren't really any holes or anything to lead me to believe that it's some sort of shell - I'd guess a bony plating for some sort of creature, but what?
posted by borkingchikapa to Pets & Animals (9 answers total)
Looks like cuttlefish...
posted by MrBCID at 10:35 PM on March 3, 2007

Looks to me to be Cuttlebone from Cuttlefish. I see them in Australia from time to time, and from memory birds love the stuff :)
posted by a. at 10:35 PM on March 3, 2007

Snap! ;)
posted by a. at 10:36 PM on March 3, 2007

Cuttlefish bone. High in calcium. Birds love them, so do hermit crabs, and you can scrape powder off of them into a bag, toss live crickets into the bag, and coat them to supplement your pet lizards' diet.
posted by infinitywaltz at 10:38 PM on March 3, 2007

They're not just nutritious; you can also make jewelry with them.
posted by mezzanayne at 11:07 PM on March 3, 2007

Cuttlefish bone! they're not just nutritious and handsome, they're also among the smartest of the animals!
posted by Ambrosia Voyeur at 11:28 PM on March 3, 2007

What an interesting critter! Thanks mefites, I don't remember ever hearing of these. Curiosity lead me to this Youtube video of cuttlefish behavior in an aquarium.
posted by Snerd at 6:55 AM on March 4, 2007

Yeah Cuttlefish we get them in Australia too. I found one about as long as my little finger once, so cute. If you like Calamari, Cuttlefish is pretty much the same but much better!!
posted by mu~ha~ha~ha~har at 5:55 AM on March 5, 2007

Amazing. I always figured these were some kind of seed. There are plenty on South African beaches. Now I'd like to see the cuttlefish, as the bones are at least 4 inches long. I ate cuttlefish salad once, and loved it. (as a teen from the midwest, in the 70's, it may have been my first encounter with fresh garlic. LOL!)
posted by Goofyy at 7:14 AM on March 6, 2007

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