Boston-area circuit/military-style training?
February 27, 2007 6:28 PM

Is there a regular pay-as-you-go circuit training or military-style exercise class in Boston / Cambridge, USA?

(Hello. This is my first MetaFilter question, so I hope I'm doing it right.)

I'm looking for a group session of bodyweight resistance training, with someone leading the activity, doing sit-ups, press-ups, squats, and so on. I don't mind being shouted at.

I've seen one site which seems to be a bit like what I want, but it is clearly a business: you're being asked to pay hundreds of dollars in advance for classes. I'm used to this kind of thing being available on a pay-as-you-go basis. Is there such a thing, or will I have to keep doing it on my own? I prefer a group context as it's more motivating.

Thanks for any information!
posted by galaksit to Health & Fitness (4 answers total)
I just read about FitBoot in the Globe or some other local paper. I have no experience with it, but it sounded interesting. The classes meet on Memorial Drive by the river.
posted by jdl at 8:03 PM on February 27, 2007

CrossFit Boston lets you drop in for $15 per class. Here is a description of what CrossFit is about.
posted by gd779 at 5:27 PM on March 1, 2007

Oh, and here is a NY Times article with more information on Crossfit - good and bad.
posted by gd779 at 5:29 PM on March 1, 2007

Thanks for these recommendations.
posted by galaksit at 9:54 AM on March 2, 2007

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