The check is in the mail!
February 23, 2007 3:53 AM

Looking for a little advise as to how to handle information or some ideas of a decent, and cheap (maybe free) software allowing me to track information gathered when doing accounts receivable or collection calls (NO I am not that person calling people around dinner time to ask why they have not paid the cable bill). Our customers are all corporations and are good about paying just some are a bit slower than we would like so we call to check on the status of payments. We currently use QuickBooks to do our invoicing and the method that I am currently using is to pull an aging report, pull the older invoices up and then type notes in the notes field of that invoice which I feel is not all that efficient of a method. Any advise or help that you can provide is appreciated. Have an enjoyable weekend!
posted by scooters.toad to Work & Money (3 answers total)
posted by GuyZero at 5:56 AM on February 23, 2007

Build a database using Filemaker. It is easy to understand and is somewhat affordable. I would steer away from the free stuff if this is critical information.
posted by bkeene12 at 6:05 AM on February 23, 2007

I worked at an agency once that used Quickbooks too. They printed out all the invoices and stored them in two massive binders - one for "Paid" and "Billed". When a check came in, you looked it up in the "Billed" binder, stamped it, and moved it to the "Paid" one.

It worked well because a lot of their clients (also companies) were late payers and when they needed to make calls you could just flip to the front of the binder and start working your way through it.

I know this isn't a software recommendation, but it's simple enough.
posted by bradbane at 7:36 AM on February 23, 2007

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