Sump pump plumber.
January 5, 2007 7:15 AM

Please recommend a plumber in Chicago.

I have a sump pump that needs... sumpin' done to it. Extra kisses for pros on the far northside, Evanston and/or Skokie.

Thanks, AskMe!
posted by CMichaelCook to Home & Garden (1 answer total)
Sorry no recommendations, but I just got my sump pump replaced by Black Diamond plumbing and it cost me an ungodly amount of $595.
Having no idea about plumbing or sump pumps I just called a plumber, but after watching him replace it I'll do it myself next time.
If it's not pumping most plumbers will probably just replace it with a new one. If you're okay w/ doing mild PVC work, like installing a check valve, replacing a sump pump yourself would be cheapest.
posted by mister e at 7:43 AM on January 5, 2007

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