Seeking DC area dentist for a crown
January 2, 2007 8:31 AM

DC dentist recommendation?

My SO was told some time ago that one of her teeth needed a crown, but she has been delaying getting the work done. She recently moved to DC and found a dentist to do a regular cleaning, but didn't feel comfortable having this dentist do the crown. (the whole visit seemed rushed and the dentists' office seemed staffed by inexperienced temps)

Anyone have a recommendation for a good dentist in DC to do a crown? Thanks! (Metro-accessible locations are best)
posted by dcjd to Health & Fitness (7 answers total) 9 users marked this as a favorite
This isn't metro accesible - although I suppose you could take a taxi from Franconia/Springfield station. Dr. Allegretti in Springfield does great work - runs a very modern establishment with a great staff. The office has TV's in the ceiling for you to watch, does digital x-rays instantly on the computer screen vice the old film method - and takes just about every insurance out there. He and his staff are very friendly, very professional - and one of the few dentists I've ever had where I feel no pain when they stick the needle in the gums!!
posted by matty at 8:47 AM on January 2, 2007

Can't say enough good things about him.

Dr. Ebbs

1234 19th St., NW, Suite 100, Washintong, DC

(2 blocks from the Metro, Red Line)
posted by photodegas at 8:51 AM on January 2, 2007

My dentist, before I left the area, was in Arlington - last name Cusumano/Cusamano(sp?) He was superlative.
posted by docpops at 11:14 AM on January 2, 2007

I was just about to recommend Drs. Cusamano and Stuver in Ballston, but docpops beat me to the punch.
posted by echo0720 at 11:18 AM on January 2, 2007

My dentist in the area is Dr. Harold Landis, at

9801 Georgia Ave # 228a
Silver Spring, MD

He is pretty awesome. I came to him really screwed up from a terrible previous dentist, and he was very nice and fixed up my teeth perfectly.

He also convinced me to floss regularly. The man's awesome.
posted by scrim at 3:24 PM on January 2, 2007

I can thoroughly recommend both as a dentist and as a person:

David Rothkopf, DDS - General Dentist
2141 K St NW Ste 306
Washington, DC 20037
Ph: 202-659-2716

About five minutes walk from Foggy Bottom metro station
posted by TheRaven at 5:20 PM on January 2, 2007

Dr Rabin, near Shady Grove metro.
Can't praise him highly enough.
posted by Rash at 8:51 PM on January 2, 2007

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