Photography classes in SF?
December 15, 2006 11:52 AM

Where can I find classes in San Francisco to help me become a better photographer?

Thanks to Flickr and a digital SLR I've gotten excited about photography. I've taken a lot of photos now and some of them seem fairly good but there's a lot of mediocrity. I have a lot to learn about composition, exposure, post-processing, etc.

I'm looking for a photography class that teaches techniques, then gives me exercises, then critiques what I do so I can learn. I don't have ambitions of making a living as a photographer. I have zero interest in film and chemistry.

I live in San Francisco, so something local would be good. Excellent online tutoring would work for me too. I've tried looking in community college catalogs, etc but what I've found so far wasn't clearly worth the time involved. Specific recommendations would be particularly welcome!
posted by Nelson to Media & Arts (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
UC Extension has photo classes as does the San Francisco Art Institute - I've taken film photography classes at both places - both quite good. The Art Institute adult education classes I've taken have all been especially good.
I've noticed that Calumet offers classes. I haven't taken any of them yet - but keep intending to. Their focus is all digital.
posted by Wolfie at 3:48 PM on December 15, 2006

I'm a newbie myself, have been for years.

Joe Decker, local boy, often runs classes somewhere around the bay. He also guides groups in photoshoots to some of our local gems, like Butano State Park.
posted by chairface at 4:47 PM on December 15, 2006

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