AutoCAD nerds? We need your help.
December 3, 2006 3:02 AM

My boyfriend needs help with AutoCAD. Part of his drawing is obscured...

Part of the drawing is obscured in viewpoint 4,4,4 (see here).

The objects appear perfectly in viewpoint 0,0,0 (see here) and are visible in all of the viewports (not to be confused with viewpoints).

There has to be a really simple answer. What is my boyfriend overlooking?

My sincere apologies if this type of request is not tolerated! Delete at will, I won't mind. My boyfriend has just been trying to figure this out for the last few days!
posted by mjao to Computers & Internet (8 answers total)
Clipping plane? Check the options. If the clipped portion moves when the camera moves, you're likely dealing with a clipping plane.
posted by devilsbrigade at 3:12 AM on December 3, 2006

I don't really work with 3D stuff that much in AutoCAD, but it appears that since viewpoint 4,4,4 is in 3D and not in the "world" UCS like viewpoint 0,0,0 that that might be the root cause of the problem. I'll root around a little before work on Monday and see if I can figure something out. What have you tried already?
posted by LionIndex at 3:24 AM on December 3, 2006

Thanks Devils Brigade... I don't know what a clipping plane is. I'll look through the help menu tomorrow.

LionIndex, all I've tried is increasing the extents and limits. It was all fine... then I must have touched something and it was gone. My boss has to quote this house this week. Eek. Any suggestions appreciated.

From Mr Mjao
posted by mjao at 4:00 AM on December 3, 2006

Also do a help search for "mask." He may have accidentally masked part of the drawing. Strange things can happen in AutoCAD with a stray mouse-click or 2.

Also, if he has not closed and re-opened the drawing, he can hit F2 (I think) to bring up a history window. It will show every command he gave since opening the file. I have found many of my mistakes that way. But I don't think it saves the history once the file is closed.

Good luck!
posted by The Deej at 9:45 AM on December 3, 2006

Oh, and this is exactly the kind of geeky queries AskMe is designed for. It's just not tolerated when people ask others to do their homework for them.
posted by The Deej at 9:46 AM on December 3, 2006

What command is he using to get the the first isometric view? It looks like he is aligning the camera manually? What happens if he uses a named view instead?
posted by misterbrandt at 10:23 AM on December 3, 2006

I think the Deej has it. If not, try going to View -> 3D Views -> SE Isometric. Does the same thing happen? Go to View -> 3D Orbit. Swivel around, does the same thing happen?
posted by duende at 3:19 PM on December 3, 2006

E-mail from my boyfriend:

"Can you tell devilsbrigade that it was the clipping planes just like he said. The button was on the 3D Orbit toolbar which I had out the other day.


Thanks everyone!!
posted by mjao at 6:39 PM on December 3, 2006

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