Wanted: list of canonical, essential mailing lists/discussion groups for web development
February 5, 2004 6:07 PM

Wanted: list of canonical, essential mailing lists/discussion groups for web development, a lá css-discuss. [more inside]

css-discuss and comp.lang.javascript are the ones that I usually post questions for client side development too, but lately, I find myself with all kinds of questions that they don't do well (discussions on PNG alpha transparency in IE, for example). So I'm looking for some good forums for other specific technologies and maybe a few general/cross-discipline groups as well.

Specific technologies I'm interested in: XHTML, XML, XTLA, Flash, PHP, server-side Java stuff, general enterprise web architecture, content management systems. And Prolog.
posted by weston to Computers & Internet (3 answers total)
A couple off the top of my head are:

WD-L (http://webdesign-l.com/) and XML-DEV (http://xml.org/xml/xmldev.shtml). The former is quite wide ranging and the later more specific.
posted by cedar at 6:50 PM on February 5, 2004

Peter-Paul Koch's W3C DOM mailing list is hosted on Yahoo! Groups, but you could forgive it that.
posted by namespan at 7:14 PM on February 5, 2004

evolt is great for those cross-technology "holistic" web dev questions
posted by Pericles at 2:24 AM on February 6, 2004

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