Seattle Entertainment
November 16, 2006 2:31 PM

Planning a work party in a few weeks in Seattle and looking for ideas. It's a 21+ party on one of those 3 hour Lake Union cruises for about 100 people.

There's going to be a bar on the boat ... I'm looking for something edgy and funny, maybe something to take people a little off guard after they get a few drinks in 'em and loosen up a little ... I'm pondering the idea of having one of those casino party outfits run a few tables (but who?), somebody suggested a hypnotist (??!?), I dunno.

Have you had excellent entertainment at a work(ish) function in Seattle? Experiences or suggestions for specific companies appreciated, I have no idea where to start. Thanks.
posted by crunchyk9 to Society & Culture (4 answers total)
I had a work party on one of those. Things to keep in mind is that there's not a ton of extra room after the bar and seating are taken into account, especially for 100 people. You'd have to run several tables for 100 people to be able to cycle through in three hours, and I just don't think you'll have room. Also, the weather is likely to suck, so everybody's going to be packed inside. We had a free raffle with some fun gifts, which had the additional benefit of not requiring any additional room. At least I thought it was fun. I won three times.
posted by It's Raining Florence Henderson at 3:21 PM on November 16, 2006

We did one of those once and hired The Amazing Mr. Majix (I know, I know)....but really, the guy is a riot and really nice, and everyone had a total hoot with him.
posted by tristeza at 4:21 PM on November 16, 2006

Man, I hate when company parties have fake "entertainment" like hypnotists and celebrity impersonators. I'd rather they just spend the money on good food and maybe give us all a bonus or something.

But, more to your question: At the Puyallup Fair I saw the Gentlemen Jugglers, an awesome duo of young guys who have been juggling and doing a funny patter together since they were kids. They're actually skilled and not jerks.

Also, I would think the boat company (is it Argosy?) has had millions of these and maybe could recommend some acts.
posted by GaelFC at 5:26 PM on November 16, 2006

There is a group out on Vashon that does puppetry and performance, and they also infiltrate parties and do improv with the guests, in a good way. You can find them at En-Joy Productions.
posted by owalt1 at 7:39 PM on November 16, 2006

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