How do I get a judge to marry me on the weekend in GA?
October 19, 2006 12:46 AM

Which Georgia judges preform weddings (on the weekends, at venues, not the courtroom)? Does anyone have recommedations for a good one?

Need to get an officiant for our upcoming wedding. We'd like a civil ceremony.

Most sites say "Call the clerk". Georgia doesn't appear to have county clerks. I've emailed some assistants, but I'm not finding the useful numbers to call or records to look at.

The officant sites seem to be only Rev and Pastors for Atlanta/GA. (The wedding is in Atlanta).
posted by gte910h to Law & Government (3 answers total)

Magistrate, not Superior Court judges are the ones who do weddings in GA.
posted by gte910h at 10:51 AM on October 19, 2006

My wife and I just got married in Atlanta two weeks ago. We are not religious, and finding someone to officiate was hard.

We eventually had a friend marry us, he got ordained via The Universal Life Church. (over the internet) It was absolutely awesome, and he wrote a ceremony for us complete with Carl Sagan quotes and bereft of offensive (to us) and seemingly required religious implications that the State of Georgia presses upon people.
posted by clunkyrobot at 9:01 AM on October 20, 2006

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