Does anyone here read Chinese? How can I find more Photoshopping from the guy who made this?
January 19, 2004 7:17 PM

Does anyone here read Chinese? How can I find more Photoshopping from the guy who made this?
posted by oissubke to Media & Arts (8 answers total)
I do, but oy is my connection too slow to load all that. And simplified text == argh.

As far as I can tell, the 3rd icon from the left across the top of each post leads to the poster's profile, and the 4th icon goes to a search page, both of which you need to register with the board to see. The 6th icon would go to the poster's homepage, but (s)he didn't enter one.
More info possibly to come as stuff loads...
posted by casarkos at 9:04 PM on January 19, 2004

I hate to be cynical, but that photoshopping is suspiciously good.
posted by GeekAnimator at 9:24 PM on January 19, 2004

I hate to be cynical, but that photoshopping is suspiciously good.

I've seen a number of step-by-step tutorials that describe the methods used to produce such works, so I have no doubt in its veracity. Artists often work from source photographs, but their methods are sound. For example, check out this animation. [1MB GIF]

Unfortunately, I've been unable to re-locate the best tutorial I'd seen in this genre, which I had bookmarked several months ago before my system drive chose to self-destruct.
posted by Danelope at 9:48 PM on January 19, 2004

Nope, still don't buy it. At least on the gif you linked to, things are roughed in and the artist adjusts the outlines as he goes along, but in oissubke's link, every line and color patch is perfectly placed from the moment the artist paints it. Just my opinion, but I think the artist is painting directly on top of a photograph. Which, to me, is a little disingenuous if you don't actually state that.

But then, I don't speak chinese, so I don't know what the artist is saying.

ok, I'll shut up now. I'm not contributing to answerinig the question, anyway.
posted by GeekAnimator at 10:16 PM on January 19, 2004

You're not the only one that's cynical geekAnimator - that was what I was thinking as well. I'm no expert either, it just looks very reverse-engineered to me.
posted by kokogiak at 10:57 PM on January 19, 2004

This is MeFi front-page stuff.
posted by Frasermoo at 5:46 AM on January 20, 2004

I have seen photo-realistic photoshop work before. Unfortunately, I can't remember the name of the artist whose book I saw.

He was generating complex 3D scenes using photoshop techniques rather than 3D StudioMax, or whatever.

I can't remember if he was copying photos, or using them as a template.
posted by asok at 10:53 AM on January 20, 2004

The caption on the last picture says it took 20 hours to do that. Seems pretty short, but then, I'm not capable of that level of quality so I can't judge.
posted by Big Fat Tycoon at 11:39 AM on January 20, 2004

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