Specialist websites where I can advertise to sell my working 1973 Sony reel to reel video tape deck?
January 16, 2004 9:00 AM

I just acquired a vintage, fully working Sony reel to reel video tape deck, circa 1973. This deck is from the dawn of the consumer video market.
I have no use for it and would like to sell it. Of course the 1st market to sell it in would be EBay, but I've had less than great results with obscure stuff like this.
Does anyone know of a more topically-appropriate place to advertise this item for sale?
posted by Fupped Duck to Technology (3 answers total)
If you bought it, I'd put it up with a starting price equal to whatever you paid. If it was free to you, try doing a search on eBay for similar items and gauge it from there.
posted by me3dia at 10:21 AM on January 16, 2004

Get all the model #, serial #, and head hour information you can get and put it on ebay.

I'm a video professional and there is no place is 'topically appropriate" for used broadcast gear.
posted by Argyle at 12:17 PM on January 16, 2004

Ebay is probably your best bet, but be very foward in your listing that you might not be sure about things like the conditions of the heads, the motors, etc.
posted by drezdn at 8:24 PM on January 16, 2004

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