pushing 40, time to get girlie
September 11, 2006 12:44 PM

For an eyebrow wax in a small, non-fancy neighborhood nails-and-waxing-only place ($10 tops), do I tip the waxer?

Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't, and either way I end up feeling awkward about it. What do you do? I know that plenty of you will say "tip if you think they do a good job," but really I'm asking about what Mostpeople do. (Perhaps you've met Mostpeople; they're distant relations to They.)
posted by scratch to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (13 answers total)
I would tip, definitely.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 12:46 PM on September 11, 2006

yes - $2
posted by tristeza at 12:46 PM on September 11, 2006

I tip around 2 bucks.
posted by stormygrey at 12:47 PM on September 11, 2006

Yes, I would tip. $2 or $3 sounds reasonable.
posted by sugarfish at 12:48 PM on September 11, 2006

I haven't gotten my eyebrows waxed, but for similarly priced manicures in similar storefront establishments, I always give $2-3. If I were to get my eyebrows waxed, I would do the same.
posted by occhiblu at 12:57 PM on September 11, 2006

Yes, I generally tip around 20% for these kinds of personal services, so two bucks would be about right.

It's been my experience that in the non-fancy, neighborhood places, it pays to be a good tipper, they will remember you and often be more accommodating- I've benefited from being a favored regular more than once, so think of it as a little investment that can pay long-term dividends.
posted by ambrosia at 1:02 PM on September 11, 2006

Unless I come out with hideously disfigured eyebrows, I'd tip 2-3 bucks.
posted by muddgirl at 1:03 PM on September 11, 2006

I concur. And, for a $12 wax, I give 'em an even $15.
posted by clh at 1:41 PM on September 11, 2006

When I get mine threaded for $8 here in Southern California I generally give $3 or $4, the service is fast, friendly and consistent, and the women are on their feet all day...they deserve it.

Same goes with mani/pedi services...
posted by Asherah at 2:36 PM on September 11, 2006

I pay $20 and usually just make it $25.
posted by wuzandfuzz at 4:20 PM on September 11, 2006

At the salon I work at, the tip I see for a waxing is $2 (for a $10 service - it tends to be around the 20% mark, regardless of services).
posted by itchie at 9:13 PM on September 11, 2006

Yes, definitely tip. 20% is good for services.
posted by jengineer at 9:15 PM on September 11, 2006

Thank you all for helping me feel less awkward. From now on, I tip.
posted by scratch at 8:27 AM on September 12, 2006

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