An afternoon in Zurich - suggestions?
September 2, 2006 2:48 AM

I've got a 7-hour stopover in Zurich on September 12, so I'm planning to leave the airport to see a bit of the city. Just one thing: I have no idea what to see or do! Please help me out.

Particulars: I'm flying in from Dublin at 3:15pm, and my flight to Jo'burg is at 10:30pm, which -- accounting for the usual airport delays and security clearances -- gives me at least 4 hours to spend in the city. I'm planning to just wander around by foot, since I don't really have the time to do anything which would require public transport.

But I beg of you, fellow MeFites: what can I do with my time? I have no clue as to what's worth seeing or visiting in the city, or whether doing so will cost me (I'm not about to change a lot of euros to francs for the sake of a few hours).

With all of that being said, any and all suggestions are welcome and will be greatly appreciated.
posted by macdara to Travel & Transportation (7 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I've only been there twice, but a sure shot would be to take a train to the central station and get out there. Right across the station is the Zürisee (images), which is quite a large lake right in the middle of town. Depending on the weather, you could just hang out there and relax. In the vicinity, there are also the pedestrian zones with shops and cafés. Have fun!

Oh, and if you are looking for something to eat, you might want to try one of the local specialties: Züricher Geschnetzeltes with Rösti. (Poultry strips in cream sauce, usually with mushrooms on a potato "pancake"). Yummy, yummy, yummy.
posted by Herr Fahrstuhl at 3:40 AM on September 2, 2006

From the station to the Zürisee is about a 15 minute walk. You could walk to the lake by taking the Bahnhofstrasse (straight ahead from the station) and walk back through Niederdorf (other side of the river). Lots of restaurants in Niederdorf.

You'll spend about the same amount of time by taking the train to the Ütliberg, where there is a restaurant on top and you have a nice view of Zürich (and the alps if the weather is nice).

The train from the airport takes about 10-15 minutes, be sure to buy a ticket, fines are CHF 80.

BTW. you can pay in Euros in most stores and for the railway ticket. Also lots of restaurants accept euros.

Here's an interactive map of Zürich.
posted by sebas at 4:06 AM on September 2, 2006

Seconding Ütliberg and Rösti for sure. A walk throug the old town is enjoyable, and make sure to go along the River Limmat. If the weather is still nice when you are there, take lunch in the park behind the Landesmuseum, which has lots of trees, flowers, and a riverwall wide enough to sit on. Stop by the coop (grocery) kitty-corner from the Hbf (main train station) to buy random Swiss food and your own cow bell and Swiss cross souvenirs at non-airport prices.

Transport: Keep in mind that you can get cheap/free bike rentals at the Hbf and several other places in the city. Might make your stop more effective.

And what's this no time for public transport?? Zürich has trams that run around quickly, and will be necessary for doing much touring along the See or up to Ütliberg. They're cheap and frequent. no worries!!

It's a shame you don't have longer, it's a nice little big city and the area around it is gorgeous...
posted by whatzit at 5:49 AM on September 2, 2006

I had a similar stopover a few years back and was advised to visit the Fraumunster, which has stained glass windows painted by Marc Chagall. It's pretty close to the main train station and was worth the visit.
posted by swordfishtrombones at 6:37 AM on September 2, 2006

I second Fraumunster, especially hiking to the top.
posted by rbs at 7:37 AM on September 2, 2006

And what's this no time for public transport??

Ah, you see I'm used to public transport in Dublin (If you've ever been here, you'll know) and I was forgetting how much more punctual and efficient the continentals are. Shame on me.

Thanks for all the advice so far, people. If ye have any more tips please keep them coming.
posted by macdara at 11:32 AM on September 2, 2006

Having lived in Zurich for many years, I can second most of the suggestions above. Given that you'll be there on a Tuesday, most of the shops should be open until at least 6pm on the Bahnhofstrasse.

I'm not sure I'd try to get Ütliberg in given a four hour window. It's nice and all, but will take a up to a couple of hours by the time you ride to the top, take a walk around to enjoy the view, and take the ride back down. If you had a full day, I'd suggest it.

An alternative suggestion is to take a stroll along the esplinade down the side of the lake from the Opera house to ZurichHorn. There is lots of public art and small boutique museums. From there you can cross back over Bellerivestrasse to Seefeldstrasse and take the #2 or #4 trams back into town.

As far as public transport, by a day pass at the train station in the airport. It will work for anything you'll do from the airport and back. The tram and train system is simply excellent.
posted by michswiss at 7:51 PM on September 2, 2006

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