Looking for an Apple IIe War Game
August 28, 2006 4:18 PM   Subscribe

Looking for a game I used to play on the Apple IIe

As I recall, this was a war game similar to board games where you airdropped(?) armor/infantry/artilery units onto the board and battled it out w/ the enemy units. Sorry, but don't remember much more that. On the board, I think the cells were hexagonally shaped.

Bonus Points: Can I still find this game somewhere?
posted by apark to Computers & Internet (16 answers total)
I totally remember this; I had it on my 8086, and my fourth-grade classroom had the board game. Let me call my brother and see if he remembers the name—it had an X or a Z in it, I'm almost positive.
posted by Zozo at 4:51 PM on August 28, 2006

Ha! Zaxxon
posted by Zozo at 4:52 PM on August 28, 2006

And now I'm starting to think that's not it at all....
posted by Zozo at 4:53 PM on August 28, 2006

Any number of SSI games fit this description, such as War in Russia or USAAF.
posted by mcwetboy at 5:08 PM on August 28, 2006

If you can find an Apple IIe game anywhere, you can find it at Virtual Apple.

Here's Zaxxon.

But Virtual Apple is IE/Windows only. They use a specific emulator under ActiveX.

If you under another browser or OS, give the Asimov Apple II archive, and something like KEGS or
posted by maschnitz at 5:44 PM on August 28, 2006

...er ... "something like KEGS a shot".
posted by maschnitz at 5:45 PM on August 28, 2006

you're not talking about Choplifter are you?
posted by kaytrem at 6:40 PM on August 28, 2006

Patton Vs Rommel?
posted by Gungho at 7:16 PM on August 28, 2006

Rescue Raiders?
posted by fleacircus at 9:14 PM on August 28, 2006

Dur, you said there were hexes.
posted by fleacircus at 9:16 PM on August 28, 2006

As I recall, this was a war game similar to board games where you airdropped(?) armor/infantry/artilery units onto the board and battled it out w/ the enemy units.

kamfgruppe, typhoon of steel, overrun, and panzer strike were ssi games on the apple ii that were as you describe, except that they used squares, not hexes

this is the asimov.apple ii directory that has these games ... the zip archives for kamfgruppe and typhoon of steel have txt versions of the manuals ... (by the way, as long as you're there, the civil war games, sons of liberty, and battles of napoleon are all worth downloading ... gettysburg, the turning point is still probably the best computer game ever made about that battle)

two emulators are best ... emu ii aka dapple works on xp sp2 fine ... applepc 2.52 (zip file with roms) is a dos program that is also excellent and i have it running on xp sp2 ... the best thing about both these programs is that they allow you to save the memory state of the computer, so you don't have to mess with disks inside of the emulator to save your games, which can be tiresome

there's a lot of interesting stuff for apple ii all over the asimov site, much more than the virtual apple site has and the emulators i listed are solid as a rock with apple ii games
posted by pyramid termite at 10:13 PM on August 28, 2006

Was this something like Axis and Allies? Not sure if that was on the Apple IIe or not.
posted by stovenator at 10:23 PM on August 28, 2006

Any chance it was O.G.R.E , a hex-based futuristic game that's also a boardgame by Steve Jackson? It was released on a number of platforms including the Apple II, I spent many hours playing this on my Atari ST.
posted by freshgroundpepper at 11:19 PM on August 28, 2006

Response by poster: Hmm. I remember Zaxxon. It' s not a "fly across the alien landscape and blow up enemies" type of game. It's more like a board game.

It's not Choplifter either.

Alas, I'll check out the other games that were suggested though...

I used to play SSI games on the PC under DOS and as I recall the feel is pretty different from the one I'm thinking of...


Thanks fellas!
posted by apark at 9:35 AM on August 29, 2006

Response by poster: It's not Axis & Allies either. Played and loved the game on the PC as well as on the board... :(
posted by apark at 10:21 AM on August 29, 2006

Microprose had a number of titles for the Apple II and C64 in its Command series. It may have been Crusade in Europe, or one of its counterparts.
posted by obiwanwasabi at 8:12 PM on August 29, 2006

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