Now I really do look like a pirate!
August 8, 2006 9:42 AM

DentalFilter! My bridge fell out while I was eating a donut this morning. Help me find a good periodontist or dentist in the WDC/MD area!

I have a Marylin Bridge at the front of my mouth of a special kind, instead of glueing the wings to the back of the adjoining teeth, a dentist drilled little holes in the backs of the teeth that keep the bridge in place. So I am looking for a dentist in the DC/MD area (I am in Takoma Park) who can do a quick turnaround a make a mould, place the tooth, and let me pay and go and who takes Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Thanks for any recommendations!!!!
posted by parmanparman to Health & Fitness (4 answers total)
Dr. Mallek on Wisconsin Avenue or Dr. Edds, who's downtown. Dr. Mallek is tha' bomb, according to my s.o. who hatehatehates go to the dentist/periodontist. He has a bridge now and had work done by both. Try Mallek first.
posted by elle.jeezy at 12:58 PM on August 8, 2006

Dr. David McGibbons in McLean VA was my dentist for 25 years and does very good work even though he makes odd smalltalk. I never had any bridgework or the like, so can't speak to that.
posted by LobsterMitten at 3:03 PM on August 8, 2006

My wife and I live in Silver Spring and drive about 30 minutes North of DC on 29 into Columbia to see Dr. Mazer at Dental One Associates.

Mrs. Cheese is something of a periodontal wreck, and has had a bunch of periodontists. She refuses to see anyone else now.
posted by i love cheese at 4:36 PM on August 8, 2006

Thanks for this! I have now found a dentist and have just seen them!
posted by parmanparman at 9:27 AM on August 9, 2006

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