Thinking of opening a game store...
July 31, 2006 11:41 PM

Thinking of opening a Gaming me and the wife are seriously considering opening a gaming store, (roughly half board/casual type games and half "hobby" type games). I've read a bunch of stuff on opening a retail store in general, including some threads on here, but not much on anything gaming specific.

So, two broad questions, 1. first off, any great general resources to read/get involved with for opening a retail store i may have missed?

2. We'd especially like to hear from people who might be customers of such a shop, any suggestions you have about really any aspect of the store would be most appriciated.

Little background, we're both long time gamers, I've been playing D&D since the mid 80's, so we both know most of the basics having been customers at many a gaming shop ourselves over the years (our personal fav is game towne in San Diego), but neither of us have much retail experience at all so who knows what little details we might be completely oblivious to. We're speaking with GAMA (trade organization) so thats been, and is going to be, a huge help. We currently plan to carry only gaming and gaming related accosories. There is a great long standing comic shop in town, so no reason to compete with him. We would ideally like to see the store become something of a community, with lots of regular events and special events and things like that.

More than anything, what we're looking for right now is as much input as possible from different perspectives on what people would like out of such a shop.
posted by teishu to Work & Money (27 answers total) 6 users marked this as a favorite
I've watched a game store in Oakland open, grow, and move, and grow some more. This is all over the last 4 years (eg, post-funagain), and I've become pretty good friends with the owner, so I have heard some inside nitty gritty about what's moving and what's not and so on.

They sell miniatures, CCG's, german board/card games, classic board/card games, RPGs, jigsaw puzzles, and the occasional obligatory plush Cthulu.

Most of their money comes from miniatures and CCGs. This is despite the fact that the founder (not really sole owner; he's turned it into an employee-owned thing) is primarily a board gamer and german board games get much of the prime display space of the store.

The way they get people in the store is by having gaming events. Every wednesday night people come by and bring their board games (or buy some) and play there. He hosts tournaments for CCGs and blood bowl and whatever, and they have mini painting workshops now and then.

For board games, they can't compete with funagain on price or selection, but they have some loyal customers because we've all had a lot of fun at the store, and building up a community of people come in on wednesdays and play each other's games is much more useful than a web site where I can read people's reviews.

Good luck with your store! If I'm ever in Stamford I'll check it out.
posted by aubilenon at 12:13 AM on August 1, 2006

What about puzzles and mindgames adn things like scrabble and pictionary and monopoly and 3d jigsaws and the like out the front? Or would you be purist gaming? In which case, good luck!
posted by wilful at 12:13 AM on August 1, 2006

Actually let me also emphasize that the fact that the founder was friendly and accessible enough that a number of his customers have become friends with him has done a lot of good too, not limited to just the business side of it.
posted by aubilenon at 12:16 AM on August 1, 2006

You need to foster a community of people who use your store. This will be the primary reason that people will buy from you, rather than internet/mail-order. Chances are that you won't be able to beat the prices that people can get off of the internet, but if you can get loyal customers, they'll be willing to spend money supporting your store.

Make sure that there is enough open space to have a lot of simultaneous games going on. Encourage leagues to start for the various games you sell, and designate particular nights of the week. This will also allow you to sponsor smaller tournaments on the weekends, which can be a big draw.

Stay open _late_ at night if possible. My favorite gaming place had to close the front door at 8PM due to some sort of zoning laws, but they often let people continue to play till midnight or after on weekdays.

If you're looking to attract older people (read: people with jobs), many of them won't be able to make it to your store till 6 or so. If you close at 7-8, that really isn't much incentive to come to your store.

If you're doing any sort of wargaming/warhammer type games, make sure you have a lot of nice terrain and boards for people to use.

Have a soda machine on the premises if possible, and stock it with both water and caffenated beverages.

If you have much of a choice of store location, try to have it in a place that is within reasonable walking distance of some good fast food places so that people can run out to grab a bite.

Don't use any sort of high-pressure sales techniques. If you've got a laid back atmosphere, people will be more comfortable there (and spend more money).

Sounds like fun! Good luck!
posted by freshgroundpepper at 12:41 AM on August 1, 2006

The successful game stores I've liked have a great space (clean, well-lit, good location), very diverse inventory, helpful, friendly staff who aren't there hang out, an area to play that's not in the middle of the store, events and tournaments, etc.

The unsuccessful ones I've seen tend to be a bit dingy, have lazy scruffy surly staff, have weird inventories due to following each fad to exclusion letting other areas suffer in the interim, dabble in being a cyber-game-cafe, have tables set up so that the loitering geeks block access to the merchandise, have sort of poor locations, aren't interested in helping anyone outside of the employee-centered clique find games -- and generally have this kind of attitude where they are helpless to do any more than shove stuff up onto the shelves. I swear to God, talking to these people you often get the impression they don't want to sell stuff.

Start a local boardgame night or join one; try hard to increase the amount of casual gaming in the community. Have 'staff picks' and make displays to try to encourage people to try new products. (Think of bookstores and music stores, which like you are selling entertainment products to a flooded market, and how they try to get people to buy things they hadn't heard of before they entered the store.) Have a goddamn functioning website with a bulletin board to help people set up games to play in your store.

Also you should absolutely be asking this question / researching on boardgamegeek. For example, here is a podcast about one person's success at opening a game store you might find interesting.

Good luck and have fun.
posted by fleacircus at 1:37 AM on August 1, 2006

You should consider getting a liquor license and installing a bar. It's probably beyond impractical but I had a dream once...

In any case, it'd make evening game gatherings about twenty seven times more awesome and probably an equal amount more profitable.

Of course you've gotten the message by now that regular gaming events are mandatory.

It probably helps to be close to a college campus.

I went to a horrible "game" shop on a trip to Portland. It hads a bunch of crappy puzzles and a smattering of lame, mass market boardgames (various monopoly rebadges etc.) and absolutely no place to play. Avoid this. For boardgames, start with the classics (Go, Chess, Risk, Scrabble etc.) and build from there. Esoteric games are great, but if everything is unfamiliar it's scary. Surround the more common stuff with derivatives and similar games and I think it'll help to generate interest and hopefully sales of the more expensive, rarer, and ultimately cooler games. If a game is too simple it is no fun, don't stock mindless games.

I can't speak to the hobby type games.

Good luck!
posted by polyhedron at 2:49 AM on August 1, 2006

Yeah, I think in terms of the hobby games, the most important thing is to make sure the store seems light and airy, rather than the sort of sweat-smelling, metal-blaring caverns you're likely to be competing with. I don't think light-and-airiness could possibly put off the hardcore (even if they don't mind the other sort of store), and it's got the potential to draw in new people who're surprised to see a friendly, accessible outlet where they might have been intimidated before. I'd aim for 'modern bookshop' as a look - lots of light wood, accessible shelves with store copies of sourcebooks etc for people to leaf through, quiet unobtrusive music and so on.

Building a community based around the store is really important, too - I'd put a big, accessible (ie not tucked away behind the counter or in a corner) noticeboard up somewhere, where people can just pin up stuff about their club, tournament, group or whatever. Everything that's been said about opening hours, availability of good terrain and boards and encouraging tournaments and regular games is gold. I'd also make a point of keeping gaming tables and merchandise pretty separate - even if it isn't so badly-arranged that people can't get at stuff because there's a game in progress (and I've been in stores where that happened), it can be a bit offputting to feel like you're getting in the way of someone's game while browsing and vice-versa. Better to keep the tables well away from the stock, I think.

Make sure your staff are reasonably knowledgable about your main products (I'd imagine this'll entail a basic education in Warhammer, 40K and D&D, at least) - there's nothing like enthusiastic, friendly advice from someone who actually cares.

If you're going to have a reasonably well-stocked miniatures section, display cases are an absolute must. Getting hold of unusual and striking stuff and putting it on display will get both casual and hardcore fans interested, and once they're in the store there's a much greater chance the stock and community will keep them there. It might be worth asking around in the local gaming community to see whether any really exceptional modellers or painters might be interested in displaying stuff in a secure cabinet in return for perks/discounts/free stuff.

This is sort of Warhammer/40K-oriented, but seriously consider getting in a few Forge World models to keep under the counter. Again, persuading/paying someone to paint one of each to a really high standard and putting them on display will likely sell a good few, in a sort of 'holy crap, I didn't know they made those!' way, despite the high price, because they're not likely to be available anywhere else. I don't think even actual Games Workshop stores sell them. Showing people something really cool in the flesh, as it'd look in their army, is guaranteed to get you sales. The same's true of old models - it's possible to order all sorts of weird old stuff from Citadel's back catalogue, and while I wouldn't recommend having more than one or two of anything in stock (always accompanied by a painted one on display), you could probably charge quite a lot for the exclusivity value. Don't forget to check there are still rules for old stuff, of course. Loads of Squats might be good and unusual, but nobody'll know how to use them. Oh, and stocking a few common DIY-store bits - pliers, clippers, green stuff, flock and so on - couldn't hurt either.

Good luck, by the way!
posted by terpsichoria at 3:38 AM on August 1, 2006

One small note: if you stock one or two decent Go sets, I and others like me will be eternally grateful. They can often be hard to track down, don't take up much room, and it is the best game ever. Your customers will thank you, remember you warmly for spreading the joy of Go, and will recommend their friends buy Go sets at your store. This may or not be entirely accurate, but for myself and a small segment of gamers, Go is the Game of Games, and I find it tragic visiting games shops that do not offer this most ancient and elegant of pasttimes. </impassioned rant>
However, I know nothing of running a games business, so feel free to disregard.
posted by MetaMonkey at 4:19 AM on August 1, 2006

I recently was in a game store that had a huge back room away from the retail for people to play games. The staff were really nice and friendly.

I've been in a good amount of stores like this and what impressed me with this one as a good idea is that they had a good size cafe in there too, where you could buy jalepeno poppers, french fries, etc. while you were gaming.
posted by ugf at 4:44 AM on August 1, 2006

Location matters! I used to spend at least 20 bucks a week at a local SciFi/Game store in Cambridge. It has since moved to a new location where they can get more space, but is just not worth it for me to trek out to. Sure, this may be a function of "walking past store every day on way home from work" to "needing to travel out of my normal routes to get to store" but it's something to consider.

When said store was planning its move, the owner made a bunch of posts to the store's list talking about what he'd like his store to become, mainly something along the lines of a constant convention where folks can meet and game. He also posted a slew of polls asking his customers what we wanted. To his surprise the desire to 'meet other gamers/fans' was at the bottom of the list.

I would warn away from stocking Games Workshop items. GW is pretty draconian with enforcing minimum orders and has a nasty way of responding to a store's success by opening up a competing Games Workshop store nearby. A different local game store (we're blessed in my area) owner once wondered why he had all sorts of tables and terrain for GW stuff when most of the people that played in store bought stuff over the internet. In his store's new location, the play space has been reduced and is mainly directed at CCG events.
posted by robocop is bleeding at 4:52 AM on August 1, 2006

Some tips from working in a game store/ being real good friends with the owner of two game stores/ patronizing game stores ;

1. Decide early on whether or not you're going to carry any of the Games Workshop lines. GW will require a larger initial investment to carry, require larger orders, and offer slimmer profit margins. Don't carry their lines for the one or two buyers, you need a larger base than that to pull it off.

2. Selling snacks and drinks in the store offer larger profit margins than just about any game you sell. One of my friends often jokes that he actually runs a convenience store that just happens to sell games.

3. Always remember that you are in a hobby market, and that these things are luxuries. Your sales will sometimes drop unexpectedly for no discernable reasons.

4. Know your clientele; you are primarily going to be selling to kids, teenagers, young males, and single adult males. Each of these three groups will bring it's own problems. Parents will drop off their children at your store and expect you to babysit them, the teenagers will stereotypically act as teens, and the adult males will creep out families. Your goal should be to focus a tight-knit self policing community, otherwise you will spend too much time meddling in the petty interactions of your customers.

5. You're going to need to open accounts all over the place, off the top of my head you'll need acccounts with these companies/distributors; Wizards, ACD, and Alliance. Of all the distributors Alliance was probably the friendliest, Centurion had better prices but not the depth of stock Alliance and ACD has.

6. Have you read the forums? They are a pretty good source of information, and have some knowledgable store owners that post there, however there is one quite prolific poster there I suggest you not take advice from.

If you have any questions my email addy should be in my profile, and good luck.
posted by nulledge at 5:05 AM on August 1, 2006

Stock a few decks or sets of high quality plastic poker sized playing cards.

I was looking around for a last minute gift for a poker player, and a games store was the only place in the city that I could track down a set. They got my money.

Also, if you get any business from CCG-playing kids or teens, embrace it! nurture it! Some of these kids will drop a lot of money on those cards.
posted by utsutsu at 6:19 AM on August 1, 2006

#2 has been addressed pretty thoroughly, so I'll take the business end of things.

Location is key. Keep your eyes open for a good location. Read the paper and check out commercial leasing sites. In an ideal world, you would own the building and pay rent to yourself.

For fixtures (counters, displays, etc) check the auction listings every week. A bar may be going out of business, for example. You don't need martini glasses, but you might be able to pick up a TV, a cash register or a counter for a song. We were able to buy a credit card processing machine at one of these for $15.

We have a Habitat for Humanity outlet store -- they had all sorts of things you might need (cabinets, etc) for cheap. If they look like crap you can always paint them white.

Lastly, check out They've got tons of useful general business info on things like partnerships, marketing, etc that might apply to you. And it's free.
posted by Atom12 at 6:31 AM on August 1, 2006

In these days a "brick and mortar" store can be more of an impediment. Build an identity on the web and locally with ties to various gaming groups. Once you garner a following, then a brick and mortar store may be a reality. Personally I think you can better test the waters by holding some weekend events. This will give you the opportunity to meet and introduce yourself to the community and build a clientele without making a huge long-term investment.
posted by JJ86 at 6:59 AM on August 1, 2006


I know the gaming store of which you speak.

Dude, It's one subway stop and a five minute walk further than it was before. I mean, yeah, it took me a deliberate effort the first time to go seek out the new location, but it's worth going to.

"meeting other gamers" may have been last on the list -- but people are already starting up all sorts of gaming related groups and events at the store.
posted by canine epigram at 7:24 AM on August 1, 2006

1. Decide early on whether or not you're going to carry any of the Games Workshop lines. GW will require a larger initial investment to carry, require larger orders, and offer slimmer profit margins. Don't carry their lines for the one or two buyers, you need a larger base than that to pull it off.

My recommendation is that you do not carry GW products. If they sell well for you, you are likely to attract a GW corporate-owned store within a few blocks. If they sell poorly, you lose money. Either way is no good.

(Oops, I see that robocop said the same thing.)

To be honest, even if you do everything right and you're well-financed, you have maybe a 10% chance of surviving two years. I would recommend a different dream.
posted by solid-one-love at 7:58 AM on August 1, 2006

As mentioned, location is key. And the leasing agreement connected with it. Top priority financial-planning-wise in the short term is ensuring there'll be a large enough gap for you to survive in between your lease cost and monthly revenue. Longer-term, keep that lease agreement as short as possible. You don't want to end up a defacto employee of your landlord should things not work out.

I know of a couple (selling interior decor) who've cut back their store hours and taken outside jpbs just to keep their lease payments current. They're in one of the very best retail areas in town but are located in a sort of little 'interior mall' in a refurbished trendy downtown building. They're maybe 40 feet away from good foot traffic but that 40 feet may as well be 40 blocks.
posted by scheptech at 8:41 AM on August 1, 2006

Thanks for all the great answers. The GW stuff is especially interesting, especially since i've never been much into warhammer and stocking it would be more a function of "well, most other game shops carry it so it seems like the thing to do".
posted by teishu at 9:21 AM on August 1, 2006

You've probably seen this already, but somebody on has a regular column about running a game store.
posted by inkyz at 9:52 AM on August 1, 2006

Here's something no one has mentioned yet...have a few items that appeal to non-hardcore and/or new game players. There's a shop in New York City that I visit every so often with my husband. I usually browse the Rio Grande Games section and people-watching the other customers, and there is always a bored-looking girlfriend of some serious gamer wandering about looking for something that interests her. Much of your business will come from serious gamers, but there are a few other people who will come into the store, and their money is just as green:
- friends/dates/spouses of gamers who come along and need to amuse themselves while the gamer is meticulously choosing items
- people looking for classic board/strategy games
- people looking for gift-quality chess sets/go boards/cribbage boards
- people looking for retro games they played as kids
- people who have been introduced to one or two cool games and would like to find more

Also, I personally would like to see recommendations on the shelves, like record stores and bookstores do. I know only a small handful of interesting games, and the selection in game stores can be overwhelming. Little cards saying "staff picks" or "if you like San Juan, try _________" would be helpful to a lot of us, plus it would add to the friendly atmosphere.
posted by hsoltz at 9:53 AM on August 1, 2006

My recommendation is that you do not carry GW products. If they sell well for you, you are likely to attract a GW corporate-owned store within a few blocks. If they sell poorly, you lose money. Either way is no good.

It's not really an answer, but I just wanted to say how interesting this stuff about GW's business practices is - thanks for mentioning it, those who did.
posted by terpsichoria at 10:37 AM on August 1, 2006

canine epigram - Yeah, I know Pandemonium (the store in question) just a trot away, but I'm years out of my RPG phase (I think you can still find some of the columns I edited for if you leap into the archives and squint real hard) and more interested in buying books to read, which I can find at the many bookstores I pass on my way home at night. And even then, I pass by YMG in Davis constantly so can stop there for my nostalgic-ccg/mini/rpg needs.

Actually, I guess this shows just how important location is. At one location, I was there weekly. Sometimes more (buy a book, go downstairs to bar and read said book). At another, once a month, tops. Considering that I have to walk by stores that offer what I was looking for (books at the Coop or Harvard bookstore, some game stuff at Games People Play or the GW store) on the way to the new location and that I'm not all that interested in access to gaming space, I guess that store just isn't for me any more. Which is pretty sad to stop and think about considering that its discovery back in '95 was one of the reasons I came to Boston for college.

So, teishu, make sure you take location and convenience into account. Those interested in play space and specialty items (ie, gamebooks you can't find at Borders) will seek you out, no problem. Casual folk like myself may just end up at Borders or on I wonder if there is an easy way to bridge the gap?
posted by robocop is bleeding at 12:24 PM on August 1, 2006

I despise CCG's with a passion, but they've pretty much bailed out many gaming stores that would otherwise have gone out of business in the past 10 years. Be prepared to sell your soul.
posted by mkultra at 12:40 PM on August 1, 2006

Its been around for a while, but there is a pretty funny website about all the hassles one game store owner had to put up with from the public.
posted by TedW at 1:01 PM on August 1, 2006

There are two game stores in my town (a small city with a college and lots of pedestrian and tourist traffic downtown). I think they represent two extremes, so might be a good way to choose what kind of store you want to have.

One is the dingy, dark, cave for the guys who play minis and role playing. Their staff is all male, stereotypically deep geeky (long greasy ponytails, baggy clothes that haven't been washed, etc) and reluctant to make eye contact with people they don't know, their store is furnished with mismatched cast-offs and folding tables, with the odd free merchanising poster taped up to the wall. Passersby do not go into the store unless they already know about gaming and have something they want to buy. (Avoid this way of running a store, unless there is a well-established gaming community where you are, and you can get a cheap rent.)

The other is a "game and gift" store, and is a place where I spend a fair amount of time; I think it's great, so here's everything I can think of about it. It's bright, open, welcoming, and carries a good range of board games, poker stuff, kid's games, puzzles, and a mix of other small novelty and gift items. (some of the companies for the gift items: Unemployed Philosopher's Guild; Lomography cameras; Umbro frames, flasks, etc; interesting wind-up toys; a small selection of stationery -- clever and odd greeting cards; Kikkerland; Buddha Boards; Giant Microbes; keychain versions of games like Scrabble; mugs with Scrabble and Monopoly themes.) The owners took out a big loan to refurbish the store before moving in, so it has gorgeous wood floors. The store is furnished with Ikea-ish bookcases all in light wood. All of the signs, the bags, the business cards, etc are printed in the same font as the store's logo, which is clean and bright and not overtly geeky-looking. There are a couple of nice big healthy green plants in the front windows, and an eye-catching new window display every month.

The staff is 50/50 male/female (this is very important, I think, since there's a danger of a game store becoming a boy's club), knowledgable and with geek cred, but don't have the stereotypical deep geek unkemptness. They make eye contact, are casual and welcoming, etc. No hard sales tactics. Nearly anyone would feel welcome in this store; grandmother, cute college girl, nerdy high school boy, etc. The unconscious impression when walking into the store, is "hey, what a cool place, and they're glad to see me", not "wow, gaming is for people who are nerdier than I am".

Other things about the store: There is a large selection of "store copies" of the games which people are welcome to play at any time at one nice big coffeetable up front in the window (it's out of the way of the merchandise.) There are games nights twice a week, from 5:30-9:30 Wednesday and Sunday. They run other events too -- charity Scrabble and poker nights, D&D sessions every other Sunday for a group of kids who are 9-13 (parents privately pay the guy who DMs about $20/sesson, which is cheap). Shelves are labelled so people can find things on their own if they want to (strategy games; kid's card games...).

The employees are paid reasonably well (around $11 an hour, good for our area) with good perks (a great employee discount, the chance to choose your own hours from the hours not yet claimed by someone more senior than you, free good coffee on the job). The markup is about 200% (that is, if an item costs the store $10, it will sell for $20), because the owners have a lot of overhead to work off from the renovations. They typically only have one or two of an item in stock, unless it's a big seller like Apples to Apples, Monopoly, Settlers. Of classic and mainstream games they carry: Monopoly (original only), Candyland, Memory, Mousetrap, Trivial Pursuit, Twister, Clue, Scrabble, Boggle, Cranium, and a few more. They carry nice wooden abstract games, which lots of people buy as house-gifts. They carry Risk, Axis and Allies, and a range of strategy games both military and nonmilitary. They carry a bunch of the German/Euro games like Puerto Rico, Caylus, Carcassonne, Ticket to Ride, etc. They carry card games like Illuminatus, Killer Bunnies, Bohnanza, Set, Quiddler.

They don't carry any mini stuff, or most CCGs, since those markets are already served by the first store -- and there is a conscious effort to keep the store from being drawn into heavy geekdom. (The only CCG they carry is the Pirates constructible game, and they sell tons of that.) They cater to the board game crowd (with a selection that includes some pretty obscure titles as well as more widely-known things like Monopoly, Scrabble, Settlers of Catan), but also to the casual gift-buying crowd. The store was overrun at Christmas, because everyone has a mom or aunt or whatever who they may not know well, but they know she likes Scrabble -- so if you carry some Scrabble-related item (a mug, etc) that's exactly what they're looking for.

So -- after a long ramble -- I would say, decide what kind of store you want yours to be, and be willing to resist the desire to cater to everyone. Distributors will try to talk you into carrying their standard big money-makers, so be willing to say no. But at the same time, respond to your clientele. You can start by special-ordering stuff for people, and if there's regular enough demand you can carry that standardly. If you know who you're aiming for as a market, you can anticipate and listen to what they want (the store I hang out in originally had a bunch of die-cast model cars, which never sold, and didn't carry kid's games. But probably 60% of the post-20s crowd who came in were looking to buy a game for kids, often for kids they did not know very well. They now stock a big range of kids' games, both card games and board games.)

Be sure to have first-rate signage that is appealing, clear, and visible from street level as people approach your store, even if this means buying a stand-up sidewalk sign or a planter etc. This is the biggest mistake I see in new businesses in my town -- not being aware enough that passersby aren't looking for you, so won't see you unless you really make an effort.

If you're serious about this, I would also say it would make sense to go work at a local retail store for six months (including Christmas if possible) before you apply for the loan to start the business. It is complicated enough, and you'll have enough money riding on it, that you don't want to just wing it.
posted by LobsterMitten at 2:48 PM on August 1, 2006

My suggestions, (I don't run a game store, but I date somebody who does)

don't spend all your startup capital on startup: have enough saved that you can sell no product for a month and still pay the rent, the utilities and the mortgage (and maybe buy food)

don't waste too much money buying floorspace for gaming: As fun as it may be to have a massive gaming floor and cool people hanging out, a lot of those people are going to come in and use your space without spending a dime.

don't operate a baby sitting service: start on day one with clear rules about the age kids can be left unattended, how long and what hours

run sactioned tournaments: The larger CCGs have official tournaments that guarentee given sales every X-day night

court families: talk to local churches and other family organizations about demoing some family games at a game night there. if you have a family game night, push the games that parents will like (kids spend but parents dispense)

If you branch out into more conventional games, poker tournaments are popular and some people might be more likely to attend one if they aren't comfortable in a bar (they could bring grandma or the kids)

snacks and sodas are your bread and butter

good security saves twice it's cost in shrinkage year one

Lastly I would suggest finding a second thing to sell. The most profitable stores I know of sell comics and games, or (the most profitable) RC and games

I cannot emphasize enough how much an alternate revenue stream could help get you through a rough patch.
posted by Megafly at 4:16 PM on August 1, 2006

Can we get a follow-up? Did you open the store?
posted by ODiV at 1:40 PM on May 30, 2007

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