Recommend a good laptop case for a 15" PowerBook
December 29, 2003 9:52 AM

I'm looking for a laptop case for my PowerBook Ti 15". I'm trying to find a basic sleeve which I can stash in a larger bag (so that I don't scream "steal this laptop" in France), but I still want a good deal of protection. Does anyone have any recommendations?

I already ruled out Tumi because their sleeve is too small for the Ti 15".
posted by jed to Shopping (12 answers total)
I recommend the sleeve that Gary Waterfield makes. Stylish and tough. If you'd be interested in a (very slightly) used one, let me know; my new iBook is significantly smaller, so I don't need it any more.
posted by JollyWanker at 10:02 AM on December 29, 2003

What about Timbuk2
posted by dobbs at 10:18 AM on December 29, 2003

My friend swears by his Eagle Creek bag. Think it even has a lifetime warranty. It is nice and snug, but looks like a laptop bag.

For my 12" iBook I have a neoprene bodyglove type thing that I won and then I put that in an old army surplus haversack. To me (and hopefully bad people as well) it screams "poor grad student!"
posted by Razzle Bathbone at 10:18 AM on December 29, 2003

The Size 4 BrainCell that Tom Bihn makes is great. It suspends the laptop in a neoprene hammock-like thing and has corrugated plastic sides.

Their eclipse bag is basically the braincell with a flap and a few accessory pockets.
posted by bshort at 10:25 AM on December 29, 2003

I keep my iBook in this Targus model. The backpack looks just like any other backpack and doesn't scream anything, really. It has lots of room for the power supply, some DVDs, an iPod, books and so on, not even counting the mesh pockets on the sides and front. The laptop lives in a built-in padded sleeve, secured with a velcro'd elastic strap, and between it and your shoulders is a reinforced panel that curves against your back kind of like one of those massage chairs at the mall.

I've seen someone put a 14" TiBook in one with no difficulty, so I'm guessing your 15" will be pretty darn happy.
posted by grabbingsand at 10:29 AM on December 29, 2003

I recommend the Trager Transporter. I have the Trager Courier Laptop bag, and while I have some issues with the shoulder strap, I've never had any problems with the inner sleeve, which is the same as the Transporter. In fact, as the description on the site says, an independent site has rated it to withstand shocks very well, and I've found that to be true personally. I linked to the largest one, but there are smaller sizes if that one is too big.
posted by EatenByAGrue at 10:46 AM on December 29, 2003
posted by specialk420 at 11:29 AM on December 29, 2003

Thanks for all the suggestions. I ordered a computer bad, and I'm now thinking about getting a new messenger bag too...
posted by jed at 12:52 PM on December 29, 2003

JW, I'd be interested in your used sleeve if no one else has chimed in.
posted by jessamyn at 6:45 AM on December 30, 2003

Grabbingsand: Does the Targus back pack have room for the laptop and a few books? I'm going to need a comfortable, strong backpack that can handle a laptop plus three or four sizable school books and that looks like it would fit the bill. I have horrible luck buying bags on-line, however so first-hand experience is very welcome.

As a follow-up to jed's question, I'll take any recomendations for laptop backpacks, too. The army surplus plus sleeve idea sounds good, but I've had trouble finding good army surplus bags online, so any suggestions there are welcome, too.

(Is it okay to put a similar follow-up question in the same thread or should I start my own ask.mefi thread about it? I haven't been online for a week so sorry if this has already been established.)
posted by jennyb at 9:13 AM on December 30, 2003

jennyb: Yep. The Targus has a rather voluminous area around the laptop sleeve that closes with a zipper across the top, then the compartment in front of it opens with a vertical zipper. Plenty of hungry book room.

Now, about buying bags online.... I can recommend eBags for most of your needs like this, except that they don't carry the Targus line! I got mine on sale at Best Buy, of all places. Let me look.... hey, the ever-trustable Amazon has it for $64.95.
posted by grabbingsand at 9:47 AM on December 30, 2003

Yay! Thanks!
posted by jennyb at 11:15 AM on December 30, 2003

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