Norton Antivirus for Mac question: What's the best way to configure SafeZones?
June 16, 2006 10:06 AM

Norton Antivirus for Mac question: What's the best way to configure SafeZones?

I just picked up Norton Antivirus for Mac (10.0). I needed an AV solution because my workplace requires it, so let's avoid the "Macs don't need virus protection" argument. As a project manager for a scientific journal, I have hundreds of files (mainly graphics and documents) come across my desktop on a daily basis. It would be very bad to spread a virus in my office. Enter NAV.

I have NAV set to Scan Everywhere (Universal SafeZone), but this is probably overkill and I don't want to unecessarily tax my system. Most of the files I'm worried about come from mounted CDs/DVDs and e-mail. In addition, all of the files I download are shuttled from my Desktop to Documents folder.

So, here's my question: How should I set my SafeZones? If I set my SafeZones only to scan my Desktop and Documents folder, will my e-mail (via Entourage) be scanned as well? How does NAV for Mac go about scanning incoming and outgoing e-mail, anyway?

Thanks for any advice.
posted by EmuBite to Computers & Internet (3 answers total)
Ugh. NAV is notorious for cludging up your system. Some people regard it as malware in its own right (see this versiontracker thread).

If you feel you need an antivirus solution, and I understand where you're coming from, I'd strongly recommend de-installing NAV and using the free ClamXav instead. I've used it, and it's great. My experiences with NAV have been horrible, and support forums for many of the apps I use are littered with people who have conflicts with NAV (Apple's Pro apps seem to be particularly vulnerable).
posted by unSane at 10:22 AM on June 16, 2006

There is absolutely to reason to run NAV on your system and lot's of good reasons not to. NAV is generally worse than any of the virii it purports to save you from.
posted by doctor_negative at 10:36 AM on June 16, 2006

I run it on 180+ Macs. I leave the safe zones at the default. It doesn't seem to get in the way. What I would do is turn off auto protect. If the Admin asks you can say "Of course NAV/SAV is installed and running. Even If he has a (SAV Windows) console he can't see the Mac's Sav status via remote.
posted by Gungho at 11:26 AM on June 16, 2006

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