Dreamweaver= Evil?
May 30, 2006 3:01 PM   Subscribe

Why does Dreamweaver 8 (mac) show my cursor insertion point in the wrong spot in design view?

I use Dreamweaver 8, and do a lot of hand coding, but when I am editing copy I like to use the design view. However, when I click on a word, Dreamweaver 8 shows the insertion point 1 to 2 letters over to the left from where it actually is. Needless to say, this is frustrating and has completely confounded my google-fu (disturbingly, searching for "dreamweaver insertion point" comes up with porn). I've tried changing the font preferences, no dice at all. Any advice?
posted by miss tea to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
I had this happen on previous versions of dreamweaver (along with some other nasty/annoying bugs), but I can't remember how I solved it - this forum post suggests possible css issues, but it seems like a pretty common problem.
posted by sluggo at 6:03 AM on May 31, 2006

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